Does anyone else feel like pvp is retarded? The most skillful thing anyone can do is pillar hump. It just seems ridiculous and it’s not fun to hump or watch someone else hump.
That’s because this current meta is stupid. You have to play every game on the pillar or you get fried by chaos bolts and gpyros.
Even then the mage can just shimmer to get the cast off even if you LoS
Knowing when to pillar and line damage to save defensive cooldowns is just as important as knowing when to all-in and commit those defensives. If it wasn’t an integral part of the game our arena maps wouldn’t have pillars and we would all play on Ring of Valor.
It’s been a thing since Season 1 in Burning Crusade. Get over it.
Pillar humping is for scumbag weasels. Step out into the open and fight like a man I say. Even worse some of these pansies use abilities to try and avoid my damage as well. I popped ascendance on this huntard the other day and he immediately used turtle shell. As if hiding behind a pillar isn’t enough when you do finally get the guts to go toe to toe you try an underhanded move like this. Just lmao @ being scared in a video game and hiding in a “turtle shell”. What a friggin loser. I bet both of his dads are ashamed to even call him their son.
Remember that one arena where there was no los and you came up on an elevator. I actually found that one fun. but right now I can see myself going up into a destro lock and watching him just cast chaos over and over because they cant be stopped
I didn’t mind that arena. It forced some interesting situations having the teams start right next to each other and then pillars did come up every once in a while.
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Yeah I mentioned that 2 posts above yours. It was Ring of Valor but for whatever reason they retired it. Was one of my favorite to play on in WoTLK
I liked that map because we started face to face, no pillars, rooms, bridges, tombs … nothing, just two teams, face to face, ready to roll …
Right over your head.
Yeah, his post was complete sarcasm homie I’m sorry it wasn’t blatantly obvious. (It was)
life is pillar humping.
The next Blizzcon Trophy should be a pillar model. The best pilar-humpers always win.
Nah Maledict trinket model.
Trying to view your profile before I assume what you play and for some reason it’s showing you as a pally here and a priest on your profile. Sooooooooo with that I’ll just say
I if you’re playing a dps spec maybe you should learn to drag and pull people away from pillars.
If you’re going to complain about pillaring then that’s a problem with your game play, not The games, other people’s and their strat.
I think pillar humping in general is a really well thought out design. I know the current meta is pretty obnoxious, but lets assume pvp is balanced and look at pillar humping from that angle
It is one of the founding parts of pvp that seperates it from just being a PvE race. It creates many more choices in the game rather than if the landscape was wide open. For instance if a double melee team decides to run at a healer to get a cheeky kill. If the healer is positioned well behind a pillar it is 1). harder to connect to him 2). it causes the dps to move into a position that can force their own healer into a poor position of either not being able to heal, or being in the middle of the map and being opened up to CC or being swapped to.
Pillars also repel casters with spammable cc from being able to use their CC right when it comes off of DR. Imagine a flat map where mages, warlocks, and druids can just use their CC whenever they want
I feel like both of these quick examples really show the importance of pillars. There are many more I can come up with, but these are two very important and easy to understand examples, and I dont want to type an entire essay haha. Best of luck to you
Now, imagine if a caster had the ability to teleport while casting, without interrupting the cast… Yeah
Also imagine we give that to all of them so it is kept somewhat balanced at least among casters. Yeah.