Why is pillar humping the most skillful thing you can do

The pillars in arena are representative of male patriarchy. We should bring the pillars down!


I think its pretty =)

pretty sure that wouldnt be a problem if mages had a way to set themselves up. seems like a blizzard class design problem


only dps spec without a stun btw :smiley:

I think MM doesn’t have one as well.


They can’t intimidation? Odd the other 2 can. Regardless too busy rapid firing to use gcd on cc or stun. Doing the pew pew! You do it

Teamwork, bro! They always have a stun-machine running with them, just let somebody else setup the 47 minutes chain!

yea thatd b great if sub was good

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Nah just line the shimmer bro

Just line the shimmer
Just kick the gpyro
Just stun the ring
Just stun the sheep
Just scream at your monitor in frustration on the next gpyro


spam greater pyro is actually more threatening then chaos bolt
(destro warlock teams will constantly be trying to LoS vs fire RMD to get away from g pyro but cant because their class is fundamentally broken in a bad way and rogue/mage has mobility and insane slows (shimmer while casting g pyro if you LoS it LUL)

If you’d rather focus on different PVP skills, you can always do battlegrounds or world PVP.

this made me laugh

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agree that it is boring as hell to play and boring as hell to watch

but the game has easy tab targeting so nobody ever misses unless you LOS them

the design of the game forces the use of LOS to break free casting of everything on you

yeah we could get rid of that and basically have dps/cc rushdowns every game and I’m totally fine with that

Line the monitor bro


I just apply monitor directly to 4head.

How did everyone enjoy that pillar humping championship?

All I saw destro locks sitting middle of the map and drooling on their keyboards till 50% damp… Gg…

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LMFAO dudeeeee

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Would you like the pillars removed? You think THAT would be good gameplay? Seriously. As said before, if you don’t like pillars, stick to PVE.

Or wait… you still have to use LOS in PVE as well. Guess there’s no winning with you.

So, what would you want done?