Why is nothing that actually requires you to play your character profitable?

If you raised the amount of gold passively accrued through pve then all that will do is raise the average cost of goods due to the increased amount circulating the economy. You can never remove this problem as long as other people intend to manipulate the market.

These require you to play your char. Same for playing the AH, just less active.

Debbie, you need a new game. You have no point at all here. Broke white girl

bloodstones ie 2500 honor is still 7k a pop, which can also come out of win boxes.

Pvping was (still kinda is, but not as ludicrous as early on) quite profitable -vicious bloodstones, crafting patterns. Even moreso if you fly around herb / mine / odd wax / grab random pets during queue. More than tripled the gold I had coming into the xpac within the first few weeks just doing that. Threads fugazi.