Why is my MMR so high?

—Please do not misconstrue this as a flex, I am genuinely frustrated—

I decided, out of boredom, to pick up WoW PvP for the first time since probably MoP. I had never heard of “Solo Shuffle” before so I queued up and asked my team how the mode works and they gave me a quick run down. Considering this was probably an unranked game and I have SOME -even though a decade plus out of date- PvP experience I won all 6 rounds with 5 KBs. But this is against UNRANKED PLAYERS.

So why am I now being placed in lobbies with 2200-2300 players when I’m at 800 CR? In what world does an MMR system overcorrect or overreact to a single good game so hard that I’m being placed in lobbies with players multitudes better than me? When I lose a match now, my “MMR” drops by a point or two. How many games am I going to have to lose before I can play against people my skill, and not just be forced to learn in an environment where every mistake I make is heavily punished by people who are WAY out of my league?

I’ve never PvP’d on my hunter before- besides maybe one or two random 2’s a year over the past few years- so I should have no recent history for the MMR system to read off of. And back when I did mainly focus on PvP in this game, it was on a different character and I peaked in like, the 1600s.

This is a huge turn-off to PvP from the prospective of someone who should at this point be considered a “new to PvP player”.


Hiya. Initial MMR appears to be roughly 1935-1940 at this stage in the season so if you do well in your first lineup it’ll slide you into 2100ish games.

Matches are made based on MMR, not CR.

Just…play. The system is designed to get people to where they win half their games very quickly, and it does just that.

Well, you’re 9-9 so that’s going even. Keep pressing queue and it’ll bump you up (or down). :dracthyr_love_animated:


Kennie explained this to me so I’ll try to pass some knowledge along, though I’ll probably f it up so watch for his reply.

Start of season mmr is 1500. If you went 5-1 you’d be matched against 1700-1900 players until you start to lose and/or go 3-3 where eventually your mmr would be roughly your cr

Inflation through 3/4s of the season has starting mmr at 1950ish. You win 5-1 and now you go against 22-2400 mmr players until you start to lose and your mmr roughly equals your cr.

Ezpz right. Yeah, I still don’t like it but that’s just because I suck at pvp.


Basically the system is working as intended and there’s no sense in fretting about numbers; queue up, play, ignore mmr and work towards whatever goals. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Thank you, I’ll keep at it I guess. I think I’m mostly just frustrated that with ques so long, I feel like I’m not being placed in fair matches. Back to the grind tonight lol.

Also yea I’m 9-9 but that’s from going 6-0, 3-3, and then 0-6 :rofl:

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Easy come easy go just keep pressing queue and it’ll work out :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Allegedly that’s the way it’s supposed to work.

Eventually, and I have no idea how many games it takes) you’ll be at 50/50 w/l and your cr and mmr with be approximately the same and that’s where you should be for your skill level. I’m at like 48-49% w/l after 300ish games so I’m assuming that’s the cr I’m supposed to have. My mmr will go up and down depending on my w/l from the previous game and my cr moves in tiny increments up and down.


Also want you to realize this. Because they artificially inject mmr into the mode you’re playing(each mode is different), if you don’t queue up and play during a week you’ll get all that inflation next week/s when you queue up again.

Allegedly that’s also why people wait till the last 2 weeks instead of playing all season. I assume that means they’re already good and when they get hundred/s of mmr injected in their games they scoot right on up to a higher cr faster than playing eleventy million games thru the whole season.

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Troll post

Not sure it’s a troll if he went 6-0 into 3-3 into 0-6.
But ya, things like this are the downsides of inflation.

I’m seeing a 3-3 - 0-6 - 6-0 don’t believe there’s a formula on earth that makes that 2300

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Oh I just went based off of what he said. Ya, if that’s what happened then we’re probably around 18-1900.

I may be wrong on second take. So apologies to OP if serious , still a bit trollish I’m sure the 0-6 3rd game was a hard push down and corrected his issue.


It’s more-so about your Matchmaking Rating not your Current Rating, but you will definitely see some lame nonsense along the way. All you can do is sit in 15 to 20 minute queues hoping for the best, or wait until next season.

I’ve seen people with like 0 cr in 2400 lobbies. It’s just a faulty mmr system.

Nope. :dracthyr_a1:

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I’m not sure what about my post makes it seem like I’m trolling. Here’s a screenshot of my first match.

https ://imgur.com/a/xBKB6l6

I didn’t expect to have to prove myself lol. You can see my starting MMV is 1934, and then it went to 2209 after the first match. The following matches did not move my rating at all. Now that I’ve lost more in a row it’s dropping and i’m around 2100 but it’s slow lol. This post was made BECAUSE I didn’t see my rating adjust at all from the 0-6. I fully expected a 300 MMR swing down for an 0-6, just like I had a 300 swing up for a 6-0.

Other competitive games would, no matter how well someone performs in a single match, put someone in that high of an elo right off the bat.

You went to 2209 then went 3-3 yes your rating didnt move, it surely moved a lot when you went 0-6 your third game. I said I was wrong about the order but none the less you are fabricating a bit here.

I get that it’s working as intended but the intended thing that’s happening feels bad.

Not sure how you’d fix it though.

Not that it matters to me, I’ve barely touched this season.

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Logged my Pres for my first shuffle on it

Feral on my team is 7-19 in 3s, with a 48% win rate in shuffle after 310 games. 1510 cr.

This is no problem, makes sense sort of. I get him first 3 rounds and manage to get 1 win with him.

I then proceed to 3-0 the next 3 games, bringing me to a 4-2. Little did I know the enemy rdruid was also 1500 with a negative win loss.

So I went 4-2, carried the dps that was going to go 0-6 to a 1-5 and at the end of the match, the enemy healer lost 60 cr and I lost 195 mmr.

Starter mmr is 1940, and his mmr was low because he’s learning. That game ending with him losing 60 and me losing 195 mmr feels absolutely insane.