Ya, THIS is why it’d harder for healers to climb. Ironically, it wouldnt be an issue if there were more healers, but I don’t think that’s something any kind of game design can fix.
Just not fun to play ur heart out and lose because someone wants to LoS and not pop wall
when someone does that to me a couple games in 2v2 and I go “sorry bro looking for someone with a little higher xp”
Can’t do that in shuffle
I’ll get my elite this ssn and just never q it again prob. The quality of game just feels abysmal and no one actually cares to play as a team
I fully understand this changes at a higher mmr (allegedly,) but I don’t really wanna spend 10-15 hours forming bad habits just to unlearn them when I can just do other things while I sit in LFG and wait for a dps
I heard 1800 was “free”? Feels bad for new/bad players…
Anyways your story is whack… When are we deleting shuffle again? Lol
I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do there to not incur a literal -195 mmr, it feels punishing for a few reasons.
- I just qued up and hit join, it was an instant q for me, so no inclination that the opposing healer is going to be 340 mmr below starter.
- I get the 0-6 DPS on my team for the first 3 games, win 1 game with them, then 3-0 the next 3 for a 4-2.
- Who should get rewarded? The enemy healer for going 2-4? He lost 60 cr. Myself for carrying the 0-6 going feral to a 1-5 and going 4-2 myself? I lost 195 mmr.
I qued up in to a scenario that is a straight up lose lose for me, losing 195 for going 4-2 means that I would have lost mmr even going 5-1 against them, because again, they were 1600 mmr. I am actually not even sure if I would have gained ANY mmr, or if it was even possible to gain anything from that match mmr wise?
Its just an atrocious system, obviously its an outlier experience and example, but fairly sure a monkey with a wrench could come up with a better outcome than both healers lose after qing up a shuffle lmao.
I can’t post screenshots, but here’s the link of end game:
The mode doesn’t function because it doesn’t have enough player base to support itself. It’s really that simple.
You make it so healers go against healers of equa skill and Q’s are now 2 hours long for dps and everyone quits playing it.
The mode is literally on life support at the expense of the healer population. They literally need to start people at 2050 mmr to even incentivize people to hit Q.
yea… that’s pretty rough, buddy.
Healer MMR fluctuates quite a bit, from what I understand. Is it actually that detrimental? I mean next que could be someone higher than you which would shoot you up again, right? idk? Is that how it works, or no?
Oh for sure, I could easily go up from here. I’m now 200 mmr below starter, unsure if these players even have half their spells bound.
My issue is just why would I, like what’s the point of even participating in that type of system lmao. I’ll go get what I want from 3v3 or play a dps spec and never see that occur.
Oh how the mighty has fallen
true dat…
Moonguard MW player showing their inability to think critically or discern between two points further proves my original statement.
Your highlight is a dispel.
You are weighing one 0-6 game too heavily. If the game threw everyone 300 mmr down after one 0-6 game nobody would want to q lol. The climb feels faster because its late in the season and as others said, inflation starts everyone at like 1900ish now, and you went 6-0 in that lobby (you were not vsing unranked players btw), then went 3-3 which is neither losing nor winning, and then went 0-6.
Why would the game automatically assume you suck and need to be thrown back down to 1900? If you go 0-6 again maybe you will lose more mmr than your first 0-6, but everyone goes 0-6 at some point whether its just bad lobby rng for your spec or you played bad, it is a good thing the game does not overcorrect and drop you 300 mmr every time you lose like that. It is not based on your CR at all keep in mind, it does not matter you are 800 CR at 2200 MMR.
This has been a common complaint from healers since s1 of DF and still has not been addressed. It is the reason healers in shuffle take much longer to push up than dps.
Healers should probably be weighed against the entire lobby. That would probably have them pushing up slightly faster than dps, but I think thats fine. Having healers going against each other is really bad design, would have been okay if the system did not have to pair healers up with lower mmr healers to speed up queue times, but it does and that should have been addressed as soon as it was happening by having each healer go against the whole lobby so its 1:5 as opposed to 1:1. For dps it is 1:3 which is why it balances out so well.
They’re matched against each other so they can be flexed up or down into more matches.
1 hour queues otherwise
I’m not sure that’d lead to 1 hour queue times necessarily, but I’m sure they have a way to make this work. I’m not a dev and don’t really want to make suggestions nor do any of us really know the inside out of what they can do with mmr since they are quiet about it for good reason, however I am sure they can find a way to address this issue without healers exploding in rating too much or not losing enough points when going 0-6 or 2-4 etc.
What I do know is queue times are long regardless, especially as you push up in rating, and I think if they fixed this earlier on its possible we would have had more healers queuing leading to potentially (slightly) faster queue times overall. I mean I played healer for most of DF and the very start of TWW s1 in shuffle, but running into situations like that is just so frustrating its really not worth it for me. And it happens too often to not notice unfortunately.
so according to these forums anything below 3k MMR is below average so youre right where you should be ig i that correct? idk tbh
Exact same thing happened to me, fresh hpal first 3 games had an absolute mush brain dps got one win with them, 3 4-2 for 12-6 oa, went from 1950->1850 mmr. My first 4-2 put me down to 17 something.
I got to 1900 yesterday on my hunter without even using my eyes. I spooned them out before the match started and still got wins. Well there were just a bunch of random nobodies that don’t belong at that type of rating, as well as people that are way above 1900 being in there. It was strange. I will hit the 2.1 K goal as always before the end of the season, its just kind of stupid how high and low rated players are mixed in like a random bag of Powerball numbers. Also especially with queues like this long, life does not allow for such a gladiator push in a season like this where things are screwy. Most Duelists and Gladiators are of equal skill. Gladiator players just have more time to play and keep going. MOST duelists cam reaxh gladiator given more time. The rank one players are the only ones that have a serious bump above everybody. They can obtain and sustain it much faster and gold it easier. This might sound crazy, but I feel like we should gain more points for wins, and lose more points for losses. That way people would end up where they belong even quicker. I mean only a few times are going to remain this long forever though