Why is my 15+ year old account with no blemishes being suspended by a useless automatic system?

Yes and what do they do? look at a list with numbers, great!
They cant even say something about the gameplay.

Like op said

And this is true.

You don’t do dmg, or not much dmg, so it might look like someone is afk…

I’m finding it hard to believe this isn’t just trolling. Either that or he spends A LOT of time reporting people (especially the many fresh boosties and joyous journey 70s) and yells at his team to “STOP SAPPING AND SPINNING FLAGS, THAT’S NOT A THING! GHOST NODES AND FITE ON ROADS TO CONTRIBUTE TO BG!”

He also must lose a ton on money on really, really bad bets. :laughing:

If Blizzard wrote the rules of soccer the goalie would get ejected from the game for non-participation just because his team had a strong offense.

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There were legitimate people banned, but stop pretending most who chose to sit in a bunker 30 games in a row did for any other reason than being lazy and multi tasking

Ohh you sweet summer child. If you believe that I’ve got some PRIME real estate I’d like to sell you.

Oh, how I wish I had 30 games in a row where more people made sure bunkers burned and less zugged the npcs or fought on roads. Sign me up, please!

One of these people that doesn’t have eyes and can’t clearly see handfuls of people sit in the bunkers AFK after it’s burned or while it’s being capped

The world must look great living in your own head

Keep moving the goalposts and changing your straw man claims. We will keep playing goalie and defending the objective of truth, at least until I’m done multitasking with this cup of coffee. :coffee:

Yep. Probably reported by #hillgang “Drek or Kek” players who don’t understand the basics of AV.

I don’t think you know what a straw man argument is.

All I said was that most people who intentionally chose to sit a bunker every game did it to be lazy and not contribute. How do we know? Before the ban, you’d have 10 people every game not running to nodes, sitting in GY’s, and not leaving after the node was taken. We have eyes. Not to mention the majority of people are only getting their punishment reduced, not removed.

Please learn to read, comprehend what I said, or troll somewhere else.

Nowhere did I say that doing objectives should be a bannable offense.

I won’t pretend he majority of degenerates AFK’ing AV weren’t people in boosted gear or low levels either. Doesn’t mean some were the reasons games were won.

I don’t want people actually putting their attention into a BG, actively playing, gone. They help with my honor grind.