Why is multiboxing allowed?

Because I’m making you think. Also still waiting here for someone to explain why multiboxing is “unfair”.

In this thread:

Salty corpses complaining about being dead, and trying to engineer circumstances that result in them being dead less often.

(Hint: Roll on PvE server for fewer deaths.)

You’re absolutely right - The official word of the company says it’s right or wrong – and in the case of multiboxing - it’s right and fine to do ---- well played sir.

:snail:ed it.

Are you joking? or are you just answering my previous question?

So explain what is unfair in getting beat by multiple characters controlled by one person as opposed to controlled by multiple people.

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yep, they make soooo much profit from the multitude of boxers. boxing is totally not a niche group of players …

Oh were back to that idiocy once again.

Lesson in math:
Money > No Money

They both make more money, and they spend less money attempting to crack down on the exploitation of keycloned multiboxing by virtue of turning a blind eye to it.

They literally make more money by not bothering to make it against their rules.

So you have no argument, just emotion. I’m onto you AOC!

I believe its because of a loophole in the TOS. It is completely possible to multibox manually without 3rd party software, therefore it cannot be proven as using 3rd party software without breaking privacy rights and is allowed.

Blizzard makes virtually nothing from mulitboxers compared to all of their sources of revenue.

It is allowed because it was common to do in grindier mmos (before WoW) where you could NOT solo anything. They let the tradition continue.

I understand how someone could look at it as similar to botting, but it really is not. You have to be at the keyboard. Bots are automated.

let’s blame everything we disagree with on corporate greed :+1:

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They both make more money, and they spend less money attempting to crack down on the exploitation of keycloned multiboxing by virtue of turning a blind eye to it.

They literally make more money by not bothering to make it against their rules.

redundant posts are redundant brother

Ah yes, a company with a strong track record of greed based decisions needs you to white knight them. It’s totally just me believing that I blame everything I disagree with on corporate greed. :roll_eyes:

What is it like to just flail around without a shred of a coherent argument?

They make money by allowing multiboxing.
They make more money on top of that by not having to spend money policing something they would otherwise disallow.

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Wow is a pseudo world simulation where I don’t have to or need to interactive with you. I talk to an NPC and he says do something. Off I go on my “quest”.

It is not a “me” against “you” game; and trying to label it as such, is fallacy.

And if you bring up Pvp in this discussion and if you want fair then please suggest the following to Blizzard:

Give every Pvp player exactly the same level, class, gear, and a “hammer”.

Go have fun. I’m not stopping you from having fun.

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Here go the professional mental gymnastics .

Sounds like retail.

Most Vanilla enthusiasts and a lot of retail players agree that WoW lost its way as an MMORPG a long time ago. Bad decision after bad decision made sure of that. It’s barely recognizable as even an MMO anymore. Simply because Blizzard implements or allows things doesn’t make them good for the game.

Making questing, dungeons, gold farming, pvp and whatever else easier isn’t the spirit of Vanilla. And I know this will sound snarky and honestly I don’t mean for it to, but I have to wonder why anyone who wants an easier path is playing Classic.

It’s not a loophole, they’ve flat out said the program is fine because it does nothing more then mimic what you can do with hardware.