Why is multiboxing allowed?

literally everyone can do it. if it’s so easy and has such an advantage -> most people would do it and you’d see far more boxers than the tiny amount that exists. Have you not played or at least somewhat familiar eq tlp? probably 30-40% of the population of the game boxes at least 1 char additionally to their main. That game is far more group oriented for just xping, so people do it for convenience.

For fun obviously.

cause that’s how they want to play the game?

Why do some folks choose to level as a holy paladin when it’s a clear detriment to lvling speed? Cause i friggin like to heal - that’s why

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The misinformation here… that is not the definition of multi-boxing.

“Multi-boxing” is not a program. There is no program called Multiboxing. Multi boxing is simply playing the game on multiple machines, or multiple instances. Period.

You should Multi box and you’ll get each spec for triple the fun :smiley:

In a game that encourages interaction and has a party function, I highly doubt the original developers intended for players to engage in group content while bypassing the social aspect of the game. Playing multiple characters at once is not a design nor a feature.

A multi-boxer can, as one person, do any and all open world content. At level. Solo. They can complete elite quests, run dungeons and even raid.

That’s not at all the experience that an MMO is suppose to deliver. Blizzard allows it. Fine. But it’s the antithesis of what the game is designed to be. And it certainly isn’t in the spirit of Classic.

Boxers often say they like being able to solo content and avoid the hassle of forming a group to run dungeons. To me it’s the same outlook as people asking for LFD - it’s a convenience that undermines the soul of Vanilla. And I have to wonder if playing Classic is really for them.

A huge reason players wanted Classic to begin with was the community. And here we have people supporting the removal of the best thing about Vanilla - the social aspect. From a former boxer:

" . . . Around this time I began to realize something. World of Warcraft was becoming less fun by the day. Obviously if you’re a multiboxer you can play by yourself. But I didn’t really interact with anyone anymore. So I just had to stop and I went back to a single character. An MMO isn’t really fun (for me) when there isn’t anyone to play with." ~ Luunii

The game wasn’t designed to be played alone. Especially Classic. You’re supposed to group for hogger. You’re supposed to group with others to run Deadmines. You’re supposed to rely on others to kill Arathi elites.

Blizzard says it’s fine. Blizzard’s done a lot of things that undermine their own game for the sake of profit. This is one of them. Even they will tell you on level dungeons aren’t meant to be solo’d.

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Does that come with any elaboration or are you God of the forums and your word is forum law?

I am a multiboxer.

I played heavily in Vanilla, and slightly more casual in BC, WoLK, and Cata before quitting entirely.

I came back for classic and was not planning on multiboxing. I saw it mentioned on the forums though and thought that it would be fun.

My main team is a warrior, mage, mage, lock, and priest. I am having fun running the dungeons trying to control every character.

Most buttons that i press only go to a single character, for example all of the heals, shields, etc from the priest, I have a Logitech G602 mouse and the upper left button heals my tank, the second button heals my priest, etc. When i shift click this it shields, alt click is flash heal, and control click is renew.

Other examples are mage sheep, warlock drain soul, and most of the warrior abilities. I do not want my group to react to most of my warriors abilities.

It is a falacy that one button press is five seperate actions, when i am dungeon running i am hitting buttons like crazy and usually it is only for a single character. Obviously though, shadowbolt and frostbolts are sent through a single button press.

This druid is part of my second team so that i can switch things up at 60, ie tank from a bear instead of warrior or heal from a druid, etc.

I played the heck out of vanilla, and all of your counter arguments against, would be my arguments for.

Trying to run the dungeon by myself as per the previous post is the fun I am getting from this game.

I understand, it is not for everyone and that is fine.

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Must confess this is certainly the most bizarre thing i have seen today.

The fact that Blizzard made the entire game soloable proves your theory to be incorrect.

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This covers a lot and assumes a lot. Each person who multiboxes can have varying reasons of doing so. Some might like the idea of being able to have their own army of characters to tackle things in the game such as dungeons themselves. Some might do it purely for gold farming, others might do it only to level multiple characters at once (This is me).

It’s dishonest to say while there are some clear outliers as the videos you posted, that all the people who multiple box are like that or even interested in doing that.

It’s much more common to run into someone who’s doing 2-3 characters at once than it is someone who’s doing 5 or more. Those people can still group and complete dungeons with others.

The other thing you have to consider is like I said before, the length of time the person intends to multibox. Speaking personally, I only really plan to do it to level characters together, and maybe try and do some two character gold farms that are very specific, and you wouldn’t group with others with anyways.


It is not an “unfair advantage” because anyone who wants to can multibox.

So are the multiboxer haters going to quit? Blizzard is fine with it and so far for the past decade hasn’t changed their mind. Why would they now after you throw a hissy fit?

Again, saying that multiple players can beat a single player is not helping your case.
One player playing five characters has a 5x advantage over a single player playing one character. It is the very definition of pay to win.

[citation needed]

Lol. Yea and the program was targeting the cursed player for you. Hence the automation.
I know exactly what my toons are going to do when I press my keybinds. In fact. I planned them out so they would react how I determine them to in any given situation.

That’s why it’s not automation. There’s a player inputting and reacting to their environment with every keystroke.

Some here seembto portray it as some kind of auto pilot free win. It’s not. Trust me. I run a little 3 man team that I’m leveling on rested XP and it can be frustrating.
I will eventually use it to gear my alts and twinks.
For now I’m just dabbling. I do believe blizz should have put a cap on it. The trains of 40+ are a bit ridiculous.
Honestly though i think anything over 5 is over kill. I can’t even imagine setting one of those up 40+ up. My god. The micro management…

I mentioned this a long time ago, but here it is again:
I do not care much about multiboxing itself, but rather the keycloning of multiple characters. With one keypress you are causing instances of a single action multiple times.

The frequency that you see something has no bearing on it being right or wrong.

Oh the ENTIRE GAME. Let us know when you solo MC or BWL or the battle for Darrowshire or AV and kill Drek all by yourself or any other 100’s of things you absolutely cannot solo in Classic.

Or do you just not know what the words “entire game” mean?

Why am I still talking to you?

Each of us should be restricted to the same number of game pieces on the table at the same time. Would you play Monopoly with a player controlling 5 pieces?