Why is multiboxing allowed?

Are you not giving them money as well?! Haha

Well your entitled you your opinion. I feel like your an entitled snowflake.

Enjoy your safe spaces.

What’s your point?

Good one. I bet you down soy by the bottle, boy. Now i’m off to buy beer in my Keep America Great hat.

You’re actually supposed to play multibox. The only reason they allow non-multiboxing is for the 5th person in a 5-man.

You look their boot as well. I thought that was pretty simple.

I’m not defending anything. Nice try though, zoomer.


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That’s a knee slapper.

calling someone a name is a defensive tactic.
Calling someone a bandwagon name, well, you are on the conform train to conforms ville and will defend it until you get off.

Only person being defensive here is the dork trying to be a armchair therapist.

please stop reading pol and then posting here.

Probably being one-shotted? My guess, anyways…

Please stop getting triggered and then responding to me.

Just because it’s possible to do it doesn’t mean it should be allowed. Just because it’s not so hard to do, doesn’t mean it should be allowed. It’s just not a option for everyone to do.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand life isn’t fair and some people are going to just have more than others and more options available. This is a game and competition always relates to games. Whether you play games for the fun or to be the best, there is competition no matter what or else it’s not a game. Friendly or super competitive it’s still competition.

Many things can be ruined in many games if given some slight advantage. It’s a team game, where 5 players or 20 players work together. Not a 1 player game where you build a team to go destroy another player who has built their team. Thats Warcraft 3 not WoW. The game wasn’t designed originally for it.

I promise you if the population of multi boxers went up to about 30% of the game population there would be a huge problem then. It’s not a big problem so it gets ignored.

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your claim that I’m triggered is benign and another defensive tactic to holding your stance against mine.

How did you even have time to hit level 58 with clients you have to deal with. Being a therapist is a busy job, bro.

I don’t think it takes long to diagnose retardation.

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Are you one of his patients? Didn’t have to oust yourself like that. doctor patient confidentiality is a thing for a reason.

But it isn’t ignored right now. Blizzard literally stated that they are fine with it. Their game, their rules.