Why is Multi-boxing Allowed?

I’d rather be apart of a BG premade than a BG with multi boxers.

Premade will best multi boxing every single time.

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I’ve been stating what that article says.

Automation is not allowed but multiboxxing is.


Oh hell yeah. Premades offer better fights too

Dude, just right click and report those in violation.


You guys just can’t relinquish that hilarious cope that human friend players are equal to being able to control five accounts at the exact same time to do exactly what you want at every instantaneous moment.

You know the difference but you keep trying to rationalize it so you can tell yourself you’re not bad at the game and that you’re not having to multi-box because you’re compensating for your inadequate skills where other people just need to use one account and work together.

You tell yourself you’re just like them. You’re not. And you should be ashamed. Embarrassed actually. Pay to win badness.

wow, that’s some superiority complex you going on.

for the record, I don’t multibox. Who 5 boxes Warriors…

I like playing with hardware. Just scratch built a single port USB card for my PC.

What you’re describing is absolutely bannable. It’s not allowed to coordinate with software.

You can box, but if you’re cloning keypresses with software, that’s not allowed.

It’s possible to box with just hardware, but it’s a lot clunkier and doesn’t set up those 5v1 scenarios you describe as cleanly. You can easily tell the difference.

This breaks the rules currently.

So what exactly are you complaining about?

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No what I’m describing is using one keyboard and one mouse to move all the characters in unison and then target somebody in a battleground with say a shadow bolt, and instantly kill them no matter what the rank is even if you are naked. It’s paid to win cheating. Automation doesn’t matter – But they automate anyway and blizzard still doesn’t do anything about it. Characters always realign themselves instantaneously. But still, the automation is besides the point. It’s pay to win even without automation.

And I’m telling you that’s bannable.

If they have to alt tab and start each cast, or use 5 keyboards, then it’s not.

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Multiboxing isn’t prohibited. It’s the automation they put a stop to. Since probably 99% of multibox cheaters use automation to do it; multiboxing itself is pretty much dead. Good riddance. I’ve still seen some but it’s usually just someone juggling a 2nd toon to carry their low level scrub or something.


This requires key broadcasting software - which now is against the rules.

What are you complaining against exactly?

Well they don’t ban it. I really hope you’re right.

Key cloning software is not automation.
Nor did blizzard ever call it automation.

They banned it for other reasons (mostly due to making it more difficult to ban bots)

They do and will, report anyone that looks like they’re doing it.

Most of the time they’ll be banned pretty quick if it’s software.


A multiboxer stole his mob. They must all be purged.

Well I’ll keep trying when I see it. I remember one multi-boxer in AV during the launch of classic was all over the place. In fact I saw several of them and they were there for months on end. Would be nice if Blizzard started to actually addressing these issues.

If you’re right then I’ll be very happy though. At least it would be against the terms of service.

Most novices use software to do this, any hardware tech geek can do this with a soldering iron and a pcb board

They also disablled /follow inside bgs as well. It’s almost always software if you see it in a bg.

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Yeah the disabling of follow helps but still if you were pressing forward on one character you’re pressing forward on all the characters till they should remain the same place. Granted if one gets feared, or cc’d, It becomes a problem. But even with that problem and even if the player did not use any automation it’s still a pay to win advantage over regular players.

I mean has Blizzard come out and said key cloning is bannable? If they are not making this clear and not taking action against players who are blatantly doing this in battlegrounds, it seems to me they are de facto enabling it.