Why is MMR hard capped right now?

thats not true at all… people who were 1700 for 15 years got 2800 rss and it wasnt because of participation… they didnt get it in any season that also had the same or higher participation thats just cope

There were 3s seasons with same or higher participation than RSS?

Rating is irrelevant, rank on ladder is what actually matters

Water isnt wet. Water is dr. Things with water on it are wet. Water cant be on itself.

Also fun fact, humans do not have any smesory receptors to feel the sensation of wet. We interpret wetness by the change in temperature. This is why sometimes we cant tell if something is wet or just cold.

ur a fake one


never. 10char

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That goes for Rets only. not accurate lol

It’s also a lot easier to just join a que than sit in dead 3v3 LFG for a hour at a time to play 1 game before disbanding.

And yes, 10x participation definitely increases the mmr disparity amongst a larger range.

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Well you did reach your goal of 1100 last season while being hardstuck 1000 for the past 15 years :pensive:

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I think instead they should artificially add some inflation for like the first 6-8 weeks and then slowly taper it away so that the remainder of the season feels better for anyone who started later or is working on alts at that point.

I think it would also be a really good idea to keep the rating-based rewards in tact, and then include separate ladder ranking tiered cosmetic rewards at the end of the season. Different tabards, titles, mounts, etc. This would keep people playing/pushing no matter how things pan out rating-wise.

Whatever happens, they need to standardize it across seasons and xpacs and be transparent about what is actually going on.

I’m sure season 1 and 4 Bfa and season 1 and 2 sl had it. the top end of the ladder were over 3k.




No one is playing. Low participation means no MMR.

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And low MMR means no participation.

simple answer: they dont care.

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Just in time for the players who are getting tired of (the brand new thing) Diablo 4!

:tin foil hat:

What a bunch of nonsense. We all know what the essence of wetness is.

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so it wasn’t just because more ppl played it, if the same ppl are playing it but the mmr isn’t super inflated…

Yes we all know what the essence of wetness is but how can water itself become wet.

Something doesnt become wet till it has water (or similar liguid that often has water in it) on it.

What happens when you put water on other water? It simply combines to become more water.

Therefore water is dry.

Here’s a piece of the explanation, I think:

Last season’s RSS activity was probably somewhat of its own anomaly. It was the new fresh content type, and many people rushed to play it as the default mode for trying out pvp in the new expansion. Blizzard does not need to add extra inflation to any ladder when participation is high, as the participation itself naturally inflates the ladder.

As with everything else in this game, after a season’s worth of activity, people more or less figured out the trend. It was way easier to push in the second half of the season than it was in the first, because rating was already super inflated. Enough players have changed their behavior because of this to where now there is not anywhere close to the same level of early-season participation as there was at beginning of s1, so rating is not inflating at anywhere close to the same rate as s1.

Another component of s1 that people figured out was that the meta completely changed (more or less) once the catalyst came out and tier was readily accessible.

If you know that the game is going to be completely different, and potentially easier in a month, why would you beat your head against the wall in the first half of the season?

In general, all elo games whether its dota, pokemon go battle league, or wow arena behave like perpetual motion machines, or self-licking ice cream cones. Participation is what fuels the ladder, and the ladder activity is what fuels participation. The more everyone participates, the more everyone wants to participate.

I think the thing that venruki got most right in his recent video is the concept of your placement on the ladder being what’s really important. The numbers on your rating are all relative in terms of the actual competition. The major problem is that the rewards structure is static, where the activity required to meet the rewards is dynamic. If placement on the ladder is what’s really important, why does anyone really care if the top of the ladder is 2400 instead of 3600? More people getting cosmetic rewards is not a bad thing, and if you’re a top ladder player, you’re going to be a top ladder player anyway. If the artificial inflation sparks organic participation, everyone benefits.


i seen alot of people hardstuck 600mmr -800 mmr in SS last seson when people were 3500 cr inflation doesn’t help them