Why is MMR hard capped right now?

Keybinding their abilities and unbinding S key would help alot.

Dota 2 is inflated to 11kcr and there are still people at sub 500mmr

s8 wrath s15 mop

Based and Mainländer/Cioran/Ligottipilled.

yah there was a post about this somewhere. supposedly they were going to inject some artificial inflation last season and nothing happened.

S9 was first season of cata do you mean s8 wrath?

This is much more of a problem than any design or mechanical issues people are complaining about atm, IMO. Playing against multi rank 1s @ 1900 is “fun”.
I wanna get the illusion but you gotta be top 120 of your spec atm.
It feels like a competition :open_mouth:

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ye the final season of wrath

surprised Kenny hasnt responded with “your at the mmr you belong in even though you were 2700 last season it doesnt mean much” :roll_eyes:

Well isn’t it funny that I was 2.1, lock friend was 2.4 last season
and in the new season 2 losses down put us at CR=MMR, starting at 1800
and yet, even those who were 3.5k last season aren’t above 2.4 atm?
To get stuff right now you have to shove top players out of your way…
until MMR starts to inflate, this will remain the case for casuals
This isn’t a good situation for anyone.
Something is clearly broken in the MMR system


The purpose of matchmaking is to push people up or down until they’re winning roughly half of their games, at whatever mmr that might be.

-53 for losing 2 out of 6 rounds…
why is this a thing???

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Cus you’re freeeeeeeeeeeee

Free fallllinnnnnn

yuup. i called it the first week of the season. i noticed matches were extra sweaty in fact i still notice it now. queing 1700-1800 in RSS or regular 2s felt like i was playing at 2200 mmr not 1700 ish


1800 feels like the wall right now. For me, bm queues at 1850-1900 mmr are 45 minutes, and lobbies seem wildly variable with mid 1600s to 1900 mmr players. This is where the 3-3 matches are always 0 change, 4 and 5 win lobbies are 25-35 points, and 2 win lobbies are -50 to -70 points depending on which matches you win.

There are just too few players at or above 1800 and an army of players from 1400-1800. Queue times are really bad there bc there just aren’t enough players to match. Just getting the elite set for most specs means that you need to be on page 1-3 of the leaderboard, and that was not at all the case in weeks 3-4 of season 1. I went on vacation last week and did not queue at all and barely moved on the leaderboard at all for marks or bm. Imo that’s concerning. Imagine if there were this few people able to complete a m15 or heroic raid bosses.


Been saying this for years at this point now. They need to go back to % based rewards. CR is virtually meaningless, and sounds like it has been for a few expansions now. Especially when they make it so artificial like they have been doing.


Well, PVP needs a solid rework from BGs, Epic BGs, RBGs, and Arena. Its an enjoyable mode, but its pretty archaic in terms of MMR and gameplay.

Doesn’t help PVP issues are equally community driven as much as Blizzard. I mean look at RSS. Neckbeards were really upset people were playing PVP, grabbing ratings and gear. You’d think 99.9% of the player base is getting paid and making a living out of it seeing how deranged some get over it.

I mean, PVP has always been highly problematic, even at the top. Old TBC / WOTLK arena days were pretty wild in terms of community insanity compared to today.


They want to make PVP as miserable as possible to get more people playing D4

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22 June

Still hard capped

2100xp RBG player struggling at 1400 this season.

I wish RBGs would see more play atm.
Due to lack of time and an adult life, I’m basically only playing Solo this xpak.
All brackets are def deflated atm, and I hope things will improve with the inflation over time.
Honestly, I think what is most important to understand is not “who gets the shiny” maybe a little bit easier or harder compared to last season with inflation, but rather that people can play at their relative level and progress. There’s still going to be a massive disparity between the average and the top player. The thing is, people should be getting to points they are used to, then try to push, in order to get that sense of progression that then makes them keep queueing throughout the season. Deflated MMR is not good for anyone. Queue-times and LFG are good evidence of this.

cause whoever is in charge of pvp thought this was the best way to improve participation by killing mmr in every bracket lol blizzard thinking btw









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