Why is kicking a thing?

But would the cost of a system like that be worth it just because a few got their feelings hurt? Neither the AI or the current system will avoid that, someone is always going to say they were a victim regardless if the kick was justified or not.

I can appreciate your approach to the problem at hand and you have put some good though to it, the only problem is the cost in my opinion. I rather they directed resources to other things rather than create an AI which may or may not save someones feelings.

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That’s sounds like a huge, unneeded complication.

The vote kick system has always come down to this: majority rules. If the majority does not want to play with you (the collective you) then they don’t have to. Dungeons, raids, etc. are a group activity and the group’s “feelings” take priority over the one person that may or may not have deserved the kick.

It’s funny to me to see these stories about people who get so upset over getting kicked so much. It never dawns on them what is the common denominator. I’ve been running dungeons since LFD was implemented and I’ve been kicked twice in all those years. Both times I knew it was coming.


That’s why I said eventually.

Cost for deep learning is getting lower every day. For example, deep fakes wouldn’t have been possible a few years ago at a consumer level, but here we are.

It’s an added layer of decision making, not a replacement. A kick would have to be majority initiated regardless.

And like it or not, nearly everything is getting this type of AI decision making whether you realize it or not. Huge number of moderation in various major websites have become AI oriented, and the trend knows no ends.

And that day may come you never know but till then the system in place although not perfect works.

As I said before too, when people are kicked enough times that they feel the need to call for a change it is more often then not that they are the issue not the system.

I have been playing since the kick system was implemented and can count on 1 hand the number of times I was kicked. That is pretty good odds considering. we have over 300 people in our guild and hardly ever hear about someone being kicked over and over for no reason, except for one guy but he is a jerk and know for a fact he brings it on himself lol

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The problem is people ---------------ABUSE--------------

The kick vote feature.

Does Blizzard not see this?

I agree. Yet they are consumers, and they have voices.
And it’s not unheard of for Blizzard to divert attention to these voices, regardless of if they’re vocal minorities or not.

Don’t tell anyone, but one time when I was leveling and learning how to play my hunter I went into Maraudon and forgot to dismiss him when we all jumped down. The group ended up wiping to all the trash he pulled to us… but none of them realized my pet did it! I’m ashamed that I kept quiet about it when they were trying to figure out what happened. And no, no one was kicked.

With no option to kick there will be situations where all or most other players leave the group. Kicking is a better option for the majority.


That used to be the norm in Gnomeregan with pets and still happens till this day lol, even I still forget to dismiss my pet.

I get his point. When the game is so full of people more about the Skinner box rewards and whatever they need to get the next reward most efficiently instead of playing, being helpful and having fun, then I’m unsubbing too. Done it once and will do again. I don’t think he wants a world bent to his will, just a game people are enjoying instead of a treadmill they are trying to run fast as possible on.


What they probably see is for every one unjustified kick there are hundreds that deserved it.

Edit: Also, I would argue there are no unjustified kicks because it’s a vote and you (the collective you) was voted off the island.

There is an option for people that don’t want to be unjustly kicked… it’s called making your own group. Blizzard even put in special dungeons that can’t be accessed through the LFD feature so have at it!

Lol never been kicked on this character. I’m pissed because this game has no upside as long as people aren’t patient with new players. I’ve already unsubscribed and uninstalled, I perform VERY well on melee dps, I’m pissed that I’m getting kicked for trying to figure out ranged.

Literally every hunter in the history of the game has wiped their dungeon group with pet aggro. It’s like they designed hunters specifically to be traps for players to accidentally kill their friends

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Or joining a guild.

:rofl::joy::rofl::joy: I could see a developer doing this. This is also why you do not want AI making kicking decisions. Hunters would always be at the top of the list.

Agreed. If wow would look into their code and change to “if pet crosses”/“then ignore” then it wouldn’t be put on the subscribers to kick.

Whether or not something is frustrating has no relation to how important, or lack thereof, of the experience. In fact, precisely because it is a form of entertainment the annoyance could have a bearing. Such as night at a movie being ruined by various annoyances.

If someone was struggling as a player, and he/she is a member of our guild that’s in discord with us, I would rather try to help him/her. But if a stranger pug member is causing a run that otherwise would have gone smoothly into a slog, then yes, kicking that player will be an option we would consider.

I wouldn’t endorse saying anything mean to that person, that’s immature and petty, but removing that person from the run is certainly a possibility.


Though complaining on the forums don’t really do anything except feed internet trolls.

I just wish there is more stuff put in place in the vote kick other then someone say “hahahaha bye sucker” or " lololol noob suck go bye bye now" or " Eat crap".

“Damnit hunter! Why did you pull that extra pack?”
“I’m sorry, I pressed tab”
“How does that pull a pack of mobs?”
“Because I have a ranged auto attack”

Thank you. Don’t want a game bent to my will but if I want to play a fckn mage and if I’m not a pro right off the bat, I just don’t wanna be kicked, that is all