Why is KHADGAR the main character of Dragonflight?

Gladly take Khadgar over Jaina, Sylv, Baine or Magni.


I guess since she was getting dragged so hard in her other thread she’d try the same shtick from a different angle.

Kinda all she does along with Humanbeak

It’s boring but boring enough that the mods don’t care which is unfortunate

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I’ve been watching the iCarly reboot on Paramount+ and Tony Amendola was in the latest episode and my first thought was, “Why is Khadgar in Seattle?”

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Kinda how I felt when I remembered seeing Shaw’s voice actor in a dairy queen commercial

Khadgar ("Dad"gar :grin:) is awesome. He is a good neutral NPC that commands respect from the factions.


Don’t worry, he’s a traitor.

Legion agent. He’ll turn on us.

Does this mean Khadgar will stop following me around in my class hall trying to get me to repeat Balance of Power on every alt? Will he also stop coming up out of the Paladin class hall to harangue me when I fly to the Light’s Hope Chapel flight point for some reason?


And so is Khadgar.


Woo! More Dadghar!

Thank the gods! Been missing him the past two expansions.


Khadgar is old and won’t be around forever, I imagine he wants to get as much done as possible.

He’s also a venerated hero of the Alliance and has a statue in Stormwind to commemorate him when he went through the Dark Portal and was presumed lost. He’s arguably the greatest human mage still alive and is a potent force against any disorder in Azeroth.

He also doesn’t have as much emotional baggage as Jaina :upside_down_face:


No they said Wrathion will be the main character throughout this expansion. Khadgar will probably end up being with Kalecgos and the Kirin Tor will be in this expansion as well. Although I don’t think Jaina will (thank god): honestly, I’m ok if Khadgar gets a big role. Its better than getting the same characters over and over again. Khadgar is one of my favorite.

Yes, you will. Now sit back and relax.


I agree, well not with the white guy part, but I don’t need Khadgar front and center in DF. His time is done

There was no “main guy” for Legion. There were several main characters in Legion, but if anyone had to be considered a “main guy”, it would have been Illidan.

The last two and a half expansions have been almost exclusively about Sylvanas. If you’re going to stir the pot, at least buy some seasoning.


Oh, it’s that amateur troll again.

Because, I dunno… It has to do with the combined might of The Horde and Alliance and there’s something much bigger involved like Azeroth as a whole? And the Dragonflight are a key to further understanding how to help it? Remember, lot has HAPPENED to Azeroth and its being stirred up. How would Khadgar not be involved? Or, do you prefer Magni to be back?

Cringing in Aviela thread.

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Think of Rinsewind in the Discworld series. Khadgar is one of the pivotal threads throughout. If it weren’t for him, you would have been killed during the storming of the portal in WoD.

Khadgar is awesome. They mentioned him, Wrathion, and Alexatrasza in the same sentence too. lol