OP is obviously baiting, but outside of this there’s nothing wrong with the story involving a man, either. We’ve been dealing with Sylvanas and queen after queen after queen for the past 2 expacs.
Aviela just concern trolls, thats all
I want the World to be the focus with ‘little stories’ involving minor characters to flesh it out and color it in.
The earliest expansions remain my favorite because that is how they were written.
OP a racist POS tbh
Bra’tac is starting to get kind of old at this point though.
I thought this as well
The former warchief being neutral while leaving in power a racist Warhawk =/= Khadgar.
Had to look that up to find out you meant his va. Yeah he’s getting there.
…He will have a “deep connection” towards the dragons, likely because of Kalecgos. As for his role, they just say that it’ll be bigger than other main heroes of the expansion like Wrathion. It’s from a German interview.
Connected to dragons sound weird. I really wish they’re not handing out more of the Power of Aspects to everyone. Makes the Dragonflight look like a battery.
Any knowledge if the Sons of Lothar will unite? It seems overdue.
huh… and here i thought he was gonna explore the systemlands…
He did. He used Alter Time to just go back where he started.
This entire post is incredibly racist, and im sure khadgar can make a funny dad joke about it.
Also alex-whatever her name is. Has played very minor roles. So keep on smoking that hot air.
Bashing khadgar is grounds for mak’gora.
Khadgar was a fun character for like 2 months in WoD.
Then he got terribly old. I don’t want him in the spotlight again.
(I’d feel the same about a character like Flynn, btw. Fun in moderation, but has no place sticking around as a mainstay)
I’m not following another man, especially a white one, for another expansion.
Oh it’s Aviela, didn’t see it. I apologize for engaging with her troll thread.
Does this mean you will be quitting and we won’t have to see your pathetic troll threads any more ?
One can dream, one can dream…