Why is Jaina more powerful than First Arcanist Thalyssra

Oh shes not a teleport bot anymore. The number of times she has left me standing alone in this expansion, had me complaining to guildies. The one time she did share her portal I almost fell over from disbelief.

Elisande is dead. What is your point?

Blizzard hates elves is why.

That’s why elves are always the weakest when they should always be the strongest and the most knowledgeable. The devs refuse to remember that most blood elves are a thousands years old if not older and night elves are 10,000+ years old or older. THe Nightborn are 10,000+ years old. First Arcanist Thalyssra is 10,000+ years old.

Khadgar should have never existed. Instead it should have been an elf.

Because I’m awesome


“Azshara approached Mannoroth and demanded an explanation. Enraged by both his own failure and the questions asked by the Queen, he wanted to rip her head off, but quickly saw the error of his ways when he realized that Azshara was “a force against which only his lord Sargeras and Archimonde would prove superior”. Azshara forgave him that mistake and urged him on to allow Sargeras entrance to Kalimdor.”

Even the Legion acknowledged her power as far and beyond most, including their own ranks. She wasn’t just powerful by our standards but by the Legions as well.


I think the idea is that Elves are stronger than Humans (on Average) but humans seem to create very ridiculously powerful outliers whenever they do. (See all the guardians)

Jaina’s just one of many human outliers, she’s also got -alot- of help, that staff of hers would make any ordinary mage seem extraordinary, Jaina just also happens to be an Extraordinary wizard.


Was gonna point this out. Also probably something to do with how High Elf magi drew their power from fonts (or in the case of Illidan, people), while humans had been long accustomed to draw magic from around them.

Makes total sense to me, not just ‘human potential’.


The problem is when the outliers dominate the story. Blood Elves are shown as mages, sure, but they are no different than the 7th Legion mages we fight. It seems like if magic education was mandated in Stormwind, then in a few generations even a fully repaired Silvermoon would be a joke as a magical city in comparison.

Outliers always dominate every story.

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Age doesn’t equal power. that’s pretty much it. Thalyssra probably has amazing control but humans apparently have a better aptitude for raw power. I believe i read somewhere it has something to do with the titan structure.

Blizzard could easily have named Nightborne and Blood Elf mages do potent magic and show expertise in it beyond some super token NPCs. Sure, leave Jaina as a prodigy but emphasize that while maybe not individually as strong as her, cultures and races entrenched in magic will have a solid selection of skilled mages, better than some human trained for a few years then sent off to the battlefield.

Orcs, Gnomes and Dwarves all were Titan creations in their original form. Blizzard could tack on “extended use of the Sunwell creates a large aptitude for magical power” that rivals any sort of titan arcane affinity. These explanations don’t really justify Blizzard writing decisions. What is really stopping them from putting in more powerful Highborne mages? They seem to just like focusing on particular characters and just using the Kirin Tor for everything.

Elves are very stuck in their ways. it’s a common trope when it comes to Elves, their powerful, and well structured, but they are -too- structured, they always do things the same way, and usually don’t branch out much.

Their a lot like the Vulcan in Star Trek, their very smart, and extremely clever, but once in a while humans do something that seems completely illogical and dumb to others, but still works.

Further, Jaina has that staff, that staff is basically an artifact of it’s own right, possibly stronger than any other staff in existance right now.

In WoW, this takes the form of “Humans are capable of being far smarter than then most of the genius Vulcans, and despite there being more brilliant Vulcans than Humans in lore, the Human geniuses taking over the story makes that irrelevant to the audience’s perspective”.
Also, don’t bother to bring up power boosts authors have complete control over. Magical artifact god modding is a classic amateur writing mistake.

How many notable humans mages are there? Two? That are still alive?

How many notable Elven mages (or previous elven) are there? I’m pretty sure you could make a fairly long list of notable powerful elven mages.

Still seems like outliers, which stories -always- focus around, because outliers are what drive stories.

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What powerful mages does the Horde have in any recent story? Anyone that isn’t a complete joke compared to Jaina? That do anything besides some arcane missiles? Alliance version of BoD, I guess, but the Horde doesen’t see that version and the guy dies. Rommath maybe, but he ran from Jaina that one time from what I hear and I have little doubt he would be portrayed as nearly helpless against her
Of course stories are about exceptional people. But there is such a thing as writing with more care so that if you define some of your fantasy races heavily around magic, they still seem relevant in that regard. And there is a Horde side to this story. There is a big power imbalance and the lack of Highborne magical strength in the story is part of that. Why are our important characters that are mages seem magically irrelevant?

If your looking at just the horde, your sample size is going to be fairly small and limited mostly to just the elves of the group.

The horde more often produces very powerful Druids or Shamans, more than they produce powerful mages.

I"m not saying the alliance isn’t stocked up OP characters, honestly speaking I don’t even know how the horde and alliance are still at war, almost half of the alliance’s leadership are literal demi-gods able to wipe out entire battalions of troops on their own.

Jaina’s just yet another very powerful alliance character.

And you say you don’t count things like artifacts, but they matter, alot, so just saying you don’t count them doesn’t change the fact they exist and play a part in whats going on.

None of Jaina’s great displays has been done without that staff being in view.

All that power and still so useless. Just like every single leader in this game.

Jaina also has artifacts augmenting her power. I think thalyssra is just kinda using her natural abilities whereas Jaina has the staff of lei-shen

Maybe Blizzard should give her a cool artifact of her own then? Was it really necessary to let Jaina keep it? Is demi-god Jaina really that interesting of a story if the other faction is too weak to give any interesting answers to her, thus resulting in seeming incompetence of the Alliance?