Why is Jaina more powerful than First Arcanist Thalyssra

The writing is ham fisted. Jaina could decimate the horde on her own. The vindicaar could decimate the horde from orbit. Velen could probably do some real damage. There is no actual power balance, just weird narrative devices and “oh disregard this for now” plot devices. No one is claiming the story is brilliant. Malfurion and Tyrande should have had zero trouble taking out nathanos. none of it actually makes sense.

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I like to think this goes back to Gygax and Arneson start up of the original D&D that nobody (in the beta as it were) was playing humans over demihumans because of how advantageous they were. So they had to give humans something more.

It is the danger of rule of cool.

I don’t care if it’s unpopular opinion or not, I think what they have done with Jaina’s character is awesome!


It’s not that it isn’t awesome - it just seems weird that there wouldn’t be any horde equivalent to balance her out.

Alliance as a whole is lopsided on the power scale.

This isn’t anything new

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Well whenever the Horde does anything amazing, people cry about “Horde Bias” :joy:

Correct me if I am wrong, but Jaina was a very talented mage to begin with, Humans have a greater potential for magical strength (which is why Guardian of Tirisfal has been a human position) and Jaina also absorbed / harnessed the leftover magic of Lei Shen after we defeat him in Throne of Thunder.

She has all of the ingredients to be a super strong character, they didn’t pull it out of the nether regions.

We have Slyvanas, via her necromancy but… the way the story is going I fear her fate. Which is why I’m concerned our most powerful hero is… looking like the next garrosh.

Why is Jaina better than Aethas and Rommath?

We have a druid who can hold the power of a literal typhoon at bay that got rekt by an orc boi’s heroic throw, and also the priestess-avatar of the warrior-goddess of the Moon who can’t kill a rando with a bow who was empowered by a ghost girl.

well, thats beacuse of the whole “human potential” crap. you see, in lore, humans are the among the youngest races, however they also apparently have the potential to be stronger and more gifted then even the elves. dont ask me why, bc i have no idea. it’s blizz’s writing, trying to figure out why would just give us a headache.

however i do have another theory. when kul’tiras was first settled by the humans, it was already home to a race of people called the drust (i assume they were human-like), however it’s implied that they were very old and commanded ancient druidic powers. these powers were kind of like the opposite side of the powers night elves started using a few thousand years earlier. these were powers that the humans didnt know anything about. however given the nature of war and it’s complexities, i assume that over time there were some drust and kul’tiran humans that mingled and had offspring. and while the drust eventually did go extinct for the most part, their halfbreed children carried a piece of them through the generations. which brings us to jaina, a kul’tiran abnormally strong abilities for a human. my theory is that since the drust had the ability to command such power, then it wouldn’t be totally absurd to believe that they had a larger affinity for other powers as well (arcane). which might be why jaina is as powerful as she is, because she might have the blood of the drust in her veins

They all descend from Vrykul. Drust have access to the shadowlands. Opposite to the emerald dream.

well i could be wrong but i thought the drust were just another offshoot of the vrykul. just a bit different then other humans

correction: the drust were vrykul


I think of drust like Mok’nathal. An inbetween human and vrykul like mok’nathal are between ogre and orcs.

Actually it’s believed both Aethas and Rommath are about equal to Jaina. Aethas was one of the the youngest to become an Archmage. He maybe stupid op we have just never really seen him do his thing.

And that might be the magical equivalent of head librarian.

Oh its a necro post.

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Jaina is a human, and she has a staff that absorbed some of Aman’thul’s power that Ra’den had. combine those two together and you get the recipe for “being stronger than any other mage who isn’t a current or former Guardian of Tirisfal”

Jaina was already right on the heels of Archmage Antonidas when she was still young. You can hand that one to pure dumb luck I guess.

But now through constant years of study, not to mention spending some time on the Council of 6 and being archmage of Dalaran. Jaina is easily one of the most gifted and skilled magic users on Azeroth. She’s essentially what would’ve happened to Kel’Thuzad if he never gave up on Arcane magic to found the Cult of the Damned.

Edit: Wow that’s some thread Necromancy.

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