Why is Jaina more powerful than First Arcanist Thalyssra

2 words, plot armor.

The same reason a horde hero can single handidly own both the super saiyan space rock worshipper along with her little bear, just for them to become immortal at the last second and one shot a val’kyr.

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I have always believed that there are two kinds of magical potency, from a story standpoint.

  1. Inborn bandwidth. The amount of power you can naturally grow to possess. Age cultures this, but every individual has their own peak, and this is irrelevant of race, mortality, or overall lifespan. Some races have a natural proficiency, but it is no guarantee of an eventual peak that is higher than another individual.
  2. Acquired bandwidth. The amount of power you artificially acquire through intense study, practice, and experience. This can be cumbersome, and extremely time consuming, but is also the standard way of progression once you’ve begun.

So to out simply, I suspect that Jaina has a higher inborn bandwidth. She’s just naturally attuned in a way that makes her exceptionally gifted.

She doesn’t have the acquired bandwidth, though. Many older than herself might have more nuanced skill, being able to do minute tricks and twists of magic that she needs to still learn.

Thallysra, however, has plenty of acquired bandwidth, but it’s been eroded over centuries of starvation and weakness. Whether she has more inborn bandwidth is up for debate, but isn’t necessarily guaranteed.


Some mages just have bigger magical cores, regardless of talent or experience. Some have better control even with smaller cores due to experience or talent.


Humans with plot armor are OP, just like Batman.

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Nightborne are trash, and the only reason they were powerful was because of the pillar of creation in their well. They have stagnant knowledge and society, confined to a city for 10000 years with the same people and resources. THAT makes them weak, because they were living in peace and luxury. No advancements because there was no need to.

Yeah, they have natural affinity for the arcane, doesn’t mean they have the knowledge, skill or even capacity to exploit it.

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Nightborne seem to be complacently performing magic and lounging in their bubble.

Thalyssra has been a mana starved half wither nghtborne for a very long time, she didn’t have time to stand around and practice. Jaina never had restrictions…she’s lived a human life but a lifetime of practice, not sitting around like Thalyssra(until recently).

1 v 1, nathanos would wipe the floor with jaina because his plot armor > hers


Not really. Mages body in this lore must adjust. Over time they can cast more and more spells. There is however a limits. That why I used that sense my early one also get lost in translation. Need to work on my communication skills.

In your example. One who constantly struggle to over come something. tends to do better than ones handed to them. It rather simple. The harder you work at something. the better you become. She was actually working and surviving against incredible odds. To the point her magic is very powerful. most only see a hobo. When in fact she just too powerful do to the constant daily training and endurance of the pain. Her body basically a fortress do to it.

Go back and do open line. She constantly meditating, fighting, and surviving in a hostile world. She never gave in and turn. Thank about that. Never became a withering. She was too powerful.

I am basing this on in game. look at her in weaken state. Able to elect a power field to stop foes. As the story progress and she regains more strength. She get more powerful. With each quest/progression of story.

Let set that aside.
Beside in most games they make humans as most powerful. Never understood it. In real world those who live longer and expert in their field. Nine out of ten win. It just do them constantly evolving what they learned over time.
With that I leave one word.

What? :confused: (10 characters)

Natural Talent + Dedicated Training + Years of Combat Experience + Magical Artifact imbued with a good chunk of Titan energy.

Yeah, that gives her a huge advantage when she can let loose her magic. When she can’t, she’s obviously far weaker.

One can easily grow rusty because they don’t apply their skills or because they grow complacent. Or simply because it has been years since they had to cast “Tacnuke Level 7”. Also, age has its own issues where you may be less capable than when you were younger.

There’s a reason that humans are often seen as stronger, its because they’re constantly pushing the limits, finding new ways to do it better, faster, stronger. It’s a psychological thing. They push themselves constantly. Because time is not on their side.

The Elf who has been working with Water Magic for three hundred years? He’s learned routines, patterns and does a lot of things by rote. That doesn’t mean they’ve got the raw power, nor does it mean they’re good at improvising.

They’re not used to pushing themselves, because they have the luxury of taking their time to learn. They can spend a decade on a single spell, which is something humans who are much shorter lived, can’t afford to do.


I see where you’re coming from but the answer is simple. We have to brush this aside otherwise there should be no reason for any races to exist outside of elves.

It’s a fantasy trope we need to let go, and not apply into these games.

Because plot armor and human potential.

That’s why.

It was less a “She’s too powerful!” scenario, and more a “We can’t waste time beating up Jaina” scenario.

Thalyssra could beat Jaina, if they had the time for a proper wizard fight.


Why is Nathanos can 1v2 on tree queen and king?
Same answer.

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Most of Jaina’s power is contained within her staff, which was enfused with Lei Sheng’s power. Separate the staff from the Jaina and then kill the Jaina. Thalyssra could use a better staff anyway.

I don’t know about that but I wish we could be mage priests like those guys in dalaran

Sorry but this is funny to me. Arrogance tend to lead to down fall. What happens in history if care to look. Let them eat cake so speak. Better example with someone famous hero thought he bad man and went against a old veteran. The guy spent life time studying. he lost and blame the guy for cheating. Just because you have new ways. Does not mean old ways are bad. They just more simple.

When the most powerful sorceress is your CHAMBERLAIN, it’s pretty clear who and why is boss.

Aegwynn was the most powerful sorceress in lore, able to fight and WIN against a direct avatar of big bad Sargy himself, then defeat her own son and current guardian, Medivh AFTER giving him the mantle of the guardian power. In the last decade or so of her life, she was in service and councilor to Jaina, even transferrring some of her own power into Jaina…

What we see Jaina doing is only a fraction of the legacy she inherited. First Arcanist can’t compete with that.

Long time? Like a few days lol…