Why is Jaina more powerful than First Arcanist Thalyssra

Ironic, coming from the guy who can’t accept his waifu being weaker than a core Wacraft character who goes almost 20 years back.


More like why is Jaina making all the other faction leaders look like jokes

Jaina fanboi mad someone insulted her waifu’s plot armor.

That’s subjective. You are simply looking at power levels. Some of us look at screen time.

Jaina has a long way to go in BFA to top Thrall’s time in Cata.

Human potential pretty much sums it up. The alliance has become humans n’ pals, you can say that the latest patch is all about the night elves being awesome, but don’t forget it was a human king who ‘schooled’ the night elf leader on how to be a leader during MoP.

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Jaina absolutely has plot armor, but trying to insist on having a brand new elf character overshadow her is silly. Like this discussion.

Lol thrall didn’t ever pull the outlandish stuff we’re seeing being pulled off by jaina in BFA.

Remember this is the same thrall that fought with the player character to beat gallywix.

You think gallywix could beat Jaina?

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Whelp, this statement right here tells me arguing with you is a waste of time. Toodles.


Human potential.

Even Anduin could beat a Dreadlord in his teen, im sure he can break Tyrande’s neck like Thanos to Loki at this point

There actually is lore supporting the flick of the wrist to cast spells.
In War of the Ancients Krasus (a dragon)explained how the younger races that used magic even as powerful as some had become still had to use incantations and complicated hand gestures to call upon the arcane.
Then with but a thought he nuked a bunch of demons.

Jaina has always shown great promise with the arcane. There is something about the eyes glowing blue as well.
Ronin who I felt was an interesting character also had displayed the blue eyes at a few different times.
Illidan actually looked up to Ronin because of his power and control of the arcane.


Guess you’re mad cause I’m right… I guess Thrall big feat in cataclysm was him wielding the dragon soul that he needed all the other dragon aspects help to do and still struggled… such a big feat.

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Powerful Characters (not in any order or anyway complete)
Jaina, Turalyon, Illidan, Anduin, Velen, Thrall, Taran Zhu, Khadgar, Liadrin, Keeshan (because), Nathanos (Plot), Tyrande, Malfurion.

I think with most of the powerful characters and Leader having had some connection to the Alliance directly. Its safe to say the Alliance will always be all powerful. But the Horde story of the is that of Goku, to break all limits and how they fit in this world.

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Thalyssra hadn’t seen action for likely a thousand years or so, and barely even fought she was free. She lead the rebellion but we did all the collecting and fighting for her.

Jaina has been on the frontlines of many wars, and was trained by the most powerful mages such as Aegwynn and Antonidas. She studied with the likes of Kalecgos an ancient blue dragon and their current leader. Her staff has been empowered by Lei-Shen; an individual who has beaten the likes of Titan keepers. She also has been exposed to the power of the focusing iris, one of the most powerful magical artifacts in Azeroth. So not only is she a trained veteran, she has the tools of gods at her disposal.

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They do and they don’t. Lorewise we are the generic champion and/or class leader. Each of the class halls had a named lore character that represented it, they all gather to drain Sargeres sword, and you can see the named characters for all the other class halls. The player character, regardless of gender/race is assumed to be that lore character.

What I was actually pointing out is the real world players character is a savant in the context of the overall world, since even setting aside mechanics from lore, we end up executing stupendous feats of daring do. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I remember they passed the privilege of class hall leader to NPC #1276. (Insert whoever they decided for that class. lol)

And we are a hero champion, but I remember most lore always had the champions as side helpers and not main characters. We were always “with the help of…” so I never really thought of us as savants, as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Geebus, if my character is supposed to be a savant… Azeroth is doomed. LOL

Being a glorified teleport bot is hardly the frontlines.

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Why do you think Jaina is more powerful? I just don’t like using the raid boss argument or “character X got cool cutscene powers!” while the other did not.

What was the context of what I said again?
“Human mages”, and being bailed out vs trolls during early wars since humans were losing due to trolls regeneration.

in terms of the quality of human mages, until wc3 it be like comparing the American NBA players to the European league. The euro’s are the humans in this scenario.

Well, even if we are ‘just the squire’, we sure as heck do some amazing things. :smiley:

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You mentioned the reason right there in your post. Thalyssra had 10,000 years exposure to the Nightwell. THAT was her primary source of power, one that she had grown entirely dependent upon. And now it’s gone.

The arcan’dor cured her addiction to the nightwell, but isn’t a new font of power for her to draw from. She basically has to relearn how to arcane mage, and she’s only had a year or so to do it.

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