Why is Jaina more powerful than First Arcanist Thalyssra

This is why Elisande is so powerful. She actually got to bathe in the Arcane arts with almost unlimited amounts of knowledge at her finger tips and she continuously practiced it.

Elisande is a much better example of a powerful Nightborne. Why everyone brings up Thalyssra is beyond me. Thalyssra spent most of her time withered and broken, scavenging for food. She was also more of a scholar than a fighter.

Jaina is a fighter. I would also argue most of Jaina’s power is hereditary (along side tons of power ups, I mean look at her staff for crying out loud).

Your example is worthy, but I think it’s stretching when we compare martial arts to the powers of the Arcane. Becoming stronger in the Arcane is more than just “training to develop muscle memory”.


BTW we not talking about sylvanas windrunner. might want to dial back on it. Second we talking about a night borne elf. Who can an has stopped time, teleported entire armies across vast distance and other things. Time you know something that should be theoretically not be able to stop it as long as she did. Only one other human wizard did this. It a guy. He had help. Now she join horde and lost all her power. Is what being said.

I get Juana seen and read up on it. I understand how she got powerful. I do not understand where she got God level powers. That where they have written for her. Mages in books need time to rest between powerful spelled. She throwing them out left and right without slowing down. Heck the most power male mage is even not in her league now. It makes no sense to me.

I never mentioned Sylvanas… Waifu =/= Sylvanas.

Lol, what?

One is a elf trapped in a bubble studying only dated material. Who is drinking Wine all day.

One is a Human with access to the best most up-to-date library for magical skills available. A human who “all she want’s to do is study”.


So you troll post. ok I am moving on.

Considering there wasn’t a single troll thing I said, thanks for giving out your true form for everyone to see. Save us all some time. :roll_eyes:


I would consider the current state of the Blood Elves’ magical might as more of a reflection of recent history than their total arcane potential. You are 100% right, they do have a prominent and impressive place in the lore as mages. But their entire way of life and cultural/economic/magical reserves were nearly obliterated less than 50 years ago. Given time, they may rise up again as magical masters, but right now they’re effectively crippled and easily overshadowed by Humanity.

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It’s worth noting that the player character is one of the aforementioned individuals.

One of the major points to say why Jaina is so powerful has been hit on multiple times and that is the fact that she is a major character in the main story so plot armor is relevant.

One thing I have not seen mentioned though, and forgive me if it has and I have not seen it, is that her staff contains power she drew from the Throne of the Thunder King. So essentially she can tap in to the power of the titans.

She isn’t a Junkie?

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Humans be like that sometimes.

Then they go crazy.


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How about the simple explanation that maybe she is just better at it?

There are 80 year old people that have been playing the piano all their lives, yet couldn’t hold a candle to Mozart (who was composing music by the age of 5). Experience doesn’t always equal raw skill.


Warhammer is a rip off of a D&D setting.

In said setting orcs literally come from another world and have a huge war against humans and elves.
Said setting came out several years before both IPs.

Older editions of D&D had mass combat as part of their rules which was trimmed in thrid edition.

Edgy blonde with white streaks female mage that’s become a fan favorite. Similarly with Sylvanas. Combat scenes with her are comedic, archers don’t lead armies, but fans love her.

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What are you actually talking about… she was and is the first Arcanist

I think you need to go read up on Aegwynn’s lore and map it out in your head, because you obviously missed the massive factor of Aegwynn being supremely powerful and DEMANDED the attention of Sargeras. Go do that, then come back.

The things that it is talked about that Aegwynn and Sargeras did, the massive amounts of Magic they wielded–or outright ‘power’–was enough to create tsunamis and the like; Natural phenomenon. Jaina is practically on that scale. FOR NO REASON.

Good, now I hope you learned your lesson. Spending thousands of years in a bubble throwing parties and drinking wine makes you old and rusty.

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No, human mages are not that powerful, humans aren’t even that powerful. It took elves to bail them out, trolls just don’t fare well vs mages, its how nightelves floruish during old wars.

As far as jania being strong, thats usually because everyone tends to die.

Out of no where sylv can fly now? during WC3 i’m sure kael was miles ahead of jania.
If anything we dont have enough on thalyssra, she could go Super Sayan god out of no where. No consistency to writing much like fan fictions.

Oh boy /facepalm.

Look you can say what you want, but as someone already mentioned Warcraft Chronicles has all but confirmed humans are excellent at Arcane.