Why is Jaina more powerful than First Arcanist Thalyssra

and also she ordered the destruction of the night well after defeating Elisande

Thalyssra didnt even take a sip of the well after her exile

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I take WoWs power levels much like I do DBZ power levels. Theres some form of mathematical equation to it, but its still just a bunch of nonsense at the end of the day.

She’s as powerful as the devs need her to be.


Not at all… just seems like the power level disparity makes no sense that Jaina would roflstomp Thalyssra, Talanji, Rohkan, Zul, Nathanos, and the player character.

It also didn’t seem like a very nightborne interaction. it would have been neat and possibly more in character if Thalyssra tried to then got knocked on her butt and pointing out how Jaina strength caught her off guard.

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Just to throw out there. You do realizes you get stronger by studying and practicing. Than actual fighting. In fighting no time to really improve. just trying to live. While studying and exploring allows you to relive battle in your mind. With time you make the necessary correction. A indirect quote from the most power being in earth history, Genghis Khan. Read up. He was so powerful because he used his mind and not body to fight and win. He know to be the best. you first must know yourself.

Vry’kul are the result of the Curse of Flesh on titan constructs, and the humans are a genetic divergence from the Vry’kul. Azeroth’s humans are directly descended from the Titan-forged armies that battled the Black Empire and were tasked with containing the Old Gods. Arcane magic is part of their heritage, and Azeroth’s humans are instinctively quick learners and highly effective at using it.


I agree with Castiel, also if you see the culture, history, and even biology of blood elves, is clear that any standar blood elf mage will be better than any standar human mage.
-Blood elfs were crafting arcane magic since the begining of their civilization, several years before than humans, centuries ago.
-Blood elfs have a natural affinity with arcane magic, they are nurtured with arcane.
-Blood elfs mages can study and practice magic during centuries becuase they large span life. Humans in WoW don’t use to live over 100 years.
Even so, in the lore the bests mages are most of them humans. But that’s because humans were the main race in WoW history, and in order to make their story more interestn, writters decided give them powerful mages.

Alliance Bias.

The math adds up.

Tyrande and Malfurion vs Nathanos,2 vykrul,player character and 2 undead night elves.

Jaina was going to Rolf stomp Nathanos, the player character and 4 other faction leaders.

Like why?

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We won’t know her true potential until she trains so hard that she goes bald.

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Which is basically just lore addapted characters from Forgotten Realms. Of which each is is easy to pick out. Warcraft started off as D&D.

Can we all say this game and current patch of super heroes on alliance side are crap and leave it at that. There so many things wrong with story. If add to the fact ever alliance person is basically God, demi God or avatar of a God. Makes the whole story pointless. If even half true, horde should been wipe out in Cata. We never should of had mop, wod or legion do to the fact of so many gods on alliance side. It getting to point it just redundant and wrong.

Series of consecutive normal Arcane Missiles.

And if you’re really unlucky… a Serious Arcane Blast.

Really though; the results of this quest should have been explored more. https://www.wowhead.com/quest=32599/securing-a-future
She’s likely walking around with the only actual artifact left. Maybe she’s just so far out classing things - because her class is still completed by her artifact.


The story is so far mutilated by lore inconsistencies and ‘Rule of Cool’ violations that frankly; it doesn’t taffing matter anymore. On either side.

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Basically this:


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Debatable. On a macro tactics or strategy level maybe. But even the smartest man in the world can’t create powerful strategies if his creations are never tested to see what works and what doesn’t. Not for nothing but Ghengis Khan didn’t really lack for experience in that regard.

The reality is that a fight never goes the way you plan. You practice to be perfect in the controlled environment so that you don’t immediately fall during the real deal. A real fight is never pretty.

[quote=“Thehollow-shattered-halls, post:39, topic:51196, full:true”]
You might want to see this video. That no wimp. That a bad man.
[/quote] I’ve seen the fight. I have a Horde character that I’ve played through the entire campaign with. I never said that Rastakhan was a wimp. If I implied that that’s a communication mistake on my part. More accurately, I meant that Rastakhan is no more powerful than any other troll of his age and experience. Which is still very good, but I’d still expect powerhouses like Malfurion or Jania to take him fairly easily.

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Titan construct armies + Curse of Flesh = Vry’kul --> genetic divergence making smaller/weaker offspring --> Human.

Human offspring were banished far away, causing them to lose their Vry’kul heritage and culture. When the first 100 mages were taught magic in the Troll Wars, they were surprisingly adept. The Quel’dorei didn’t expect them to be such quick studies, or to be so powerful.

Azeroth’s humans are naturally really powerful mages, and Jaina is one of the most powerful to ever exist. She’s just been flying under the radar for years, making people who don’t know any better think she’s some kind of second-rate pacifist because they can’t comprehend anyone that strong not wanting to flex it and wreck faces.

Elves have finesse, humans have raw clobbering power.


That’s a fantasy trope and sci fi trope too.


Fact is there is no video, no illustrations, nothing of aegwynn vs the avatar. So you cannot compare, saying you can because of your wildest imagination isn’t an argument. Just drop it. We all hope she kills it by raw power but there is no story about it, could be aswell because the avatar broke alone.

Again this is a fact alliance players helps she, Jaina, to get more powerful throughtout entirety of pandaria. End. Period. Fact isnt an argument nor an opinion.

“There is a lot of backstory” Ya, backstory that was never showed, talked or written before. This is not a backstory, this is bad writting, tyrande died character died after war3.

Ya jaina could beat malfurion, saurfang axe and sylvanas emo attacks did. Anyone cna ebat malfurion tbh even zappy boy, his character died after war3 too.

If you replaced malfurion and tyrande by generic Elves there wouldnt be any difference noticiable.

Why is this always brought up? There are plentiful reasons why she is stronger, it just seems elf players can’t give up the fact that “But my waifu is so old” therefore they think it validates them in exceeding any Character who has been relevant in lore for almost two decades.

Jaina is stronger, get over it. It’s Ironic that you feel Jaina’s strength is “out of no where” but are perfectly fine with a character just introduced being powerful with hardly any back story?


I agree with you, lore facts show us the achievements that humans mage earned, and because of that nobody will think that they are less than blood elves. Even more, several people will think that humans are better. I wouldn’t denied those lore facts, i just saying that the description of blood elfs culture around arcane, doesn’t match with the place that their mages have in the lore.


Sense I am not making it clear enough. Let say you training in martial arts. Who the stronger one who practice or one constantly fighting. Look up for yourself. You will be surprise. There a reason no one mess with a dojo master.