Why is Jaina more powerful than First Arcanist Thalyssra

Keep in mind, the vast majority of Thalysssra’s existence was spent in peace and isolation. Spend ten thousand years doing effectively nothing and that’s all you’ll be good at.

This extends to the Night Elves in general, but for the Nightbourne, they didn’t even have the piddly nothing enemies like the broader Kaldorei to keep them anything resembling “sharp”. The Kaldorei at least had some meager enemies and conflicts to keep them in shape - the Shal’dorei were bubble bound the whole time. That a people whose greatest warriors can boast “well, I’ve spent ten millennia play fighting” even put up the fight it did is a helluva good show. And that whole “isolation” thing is an absolute killer.

History is riddled with examples of haughty, “better than thou” societies who thought they were too good for the world, only to find themselves woefully unprepared to compete with civilizations that had centuries to learn, steal, and evolve off one another. No matter how much you practice and prepare, no amount of either can begin to replace actual real experience. The Nightbourne and by extension Thalysssra are that cranked up to 11. Shal’dorei have had effectively no real combat exposure and no contact with the rest of the planet since before the beginning of modern history.

How is Thalysssra so horribly outclassed? The bigger question is, how is she and the rest of her bubble people even able to begin to keep up?


I still think Jaina and thrall should be a Romeo and Juliet of world of warcraft. this give great quest for valentine days . Jaina train under many of Mage Kir Tor one them was Antinnias,

Alliance has a ton of god like lore characters. Jaina is an example of op human potential. And she got a ton of plot armor. So yea.


Yet in Zuldazar specifically we see that Nightborne magic is way more finesse than blood elf magic. The quest when you’re digging up fossils with your hands the Nightborne npc laughs when he simply creates a magical item that is fully automated and does it with ease.

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Yeah. That Nightborne have gotten very good at what I’ll call “fancy magic.” It’s basically calligraphy: stunningly beautiful and a joy to watch the creation process, but it accomplishes very little that ordinary writing couldn’t.

That aside, are you suggesting that the Nightborne are ultra powerful Mages because they can move some dirt around? The Nightborne integrated magic into every aspect of their lives. Of course they’d use it as a solution to menial labor. That doesn’t say anything about the magnitude of their power.


Jaina has the most powerful staff in the WoW verse. It’s like a paladin using the Ashbringer vs one with out it but more so.


Cute a Horde talking about plot armor.


Honestly I’m surprised it wasn’t an Artifact weapon. I think people would be more aware of exactly how powerful her staff is if it was highlighted more. Among powerful weapons it’s recieved shockingly little attention compared to things like Doomhammer or Ashbringer. So I think people tend to forget that that’s not “baby’s first wand” that Jania is swinging around.


1)It is human, humans by nature have more magical affinity than elves, were created by the titans especially women, we could call brute force.

2)Apart from being the apprentice of the Archmage Antonidas she also conosio the EX Guardian Aegwynn, this gave a small spark of his power but above all shared with her knowledge.

3)Mana Bom She was exposed to immense amounts of Magic and she was quite adsorbed, apart from causing problems to her head, this increased her layering a lot especially when she was enraged.(The guardian is created with the power of other mages, how many mages will that explosion tell?

4)the king of Thunder Power=Ra den Power in her Staff


probably because alliance leaders need to be ridiculously OP to compensate for the hordes numbers and battle prowess


You know how it is, humans live shorter lifespans which gives them more raw passion and potential, sensitivity or something like that.


Your post have lost me. How nowhere? She kept growing in power since Pandaria. Anyone who had done the alliance quests know it. Every random book mentions how more powerful she has been getting and there is no illustration of what Aegwynn vs Sargeras is, or how the fight was so your comparasion is null. Khadgar has knowledge but he does not have raw power, all of his abilities are show involving creating seals/traps(such sealing the dark portal) and teleports(out of legion ship to dalaran) and a vast amount of knowledge(dalaran vs legion before going to broken isles cause of a book that all mages used at the same time) he never exactly tried to blow a city or a boss, there is no record of it.

Jaina relationship with kalecgos was pretty short-sighted and pretty much ended before getting any real development, unlike medan, had the development(bad one) but was throw away. Again she was exposed to raw power several times and accumulate lei shen raw power for herself, thats pretty good. So it is safe to assume she can do a good amount of damage whereas khadgar has always pretty much used strategy, he never used any kind of great power like illidian for instance.

I get you dont like the character, but i am not talking about preferences, im talking about consistency, her character has, sylvanas is losing it and Vol’jin never had any.

Tyrande isnt written to be a counterpart. She is just randomly being written atm, Night warrior? There is no mention of it in the lore, they pretty much pulled it out of nowhere, like vol’jin ghost being decieved.

Also Khadgar is very bad written, what he learned form the Na’ru, what is his real power? What he learned here? What power he refused form medivh? What he learned from medivh? Wat he did prior legion? he was decieved by a weaker version of gul’dan which only got pwoerful after the tomb opened(and gul’dan character was oblitered too). Even worse than Tyrande and Malfurion which were supposed to be god-like but got owned by sylvanas+saurfang and they didn’t even use azerite against them in a solo fight.

So ya, she has consistency. Unlike the rant you are trying to imply has criticism.


Only have one dispute and that’s with number one. Humans were not created by the titans, they are a genetic divergence from that of Vry’kul.

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I’d suggest reading up on the guardians of Tirisfal, it’s pretty easy to see that Jaina is basically the latest in that line along with Khadgar. The difference is Khadgar is neutral, and Jaina is not. That said the history on that line is not good… think Medhiv

There are other indications of the Avatar of Sargeras quelling ‘upstarts’ to his Burning Legion in the universe of Warcraft, so your anti-argument is completely null and void; The power the Avatar of Sargeras wielded was enough to single-handedly take over Azeroth; Aegwynn thwarted that, and with the help of a few dragons, and Atiesh, slayed him.

And yes: Random, massive power increases. She does what no other Mage, save for lore depictions, has ever been able to do–and she does it far easier for absolutely zero consequence.

Yes, she consistently gets stupidly more powerful for absolutely zero good, constructive, or engaging lore reason/ plot. Simply power for power’s sake. It’s why her character is so abysmal for me to even think about her as a compelling character. If she had to even work for any of it, it’d make a helluva lot more sense. Not just giving her the Achilles treatment, dipping her in a few sources here and there and presto! God-Mage Jaina was born. How the hell can that be a compelling character?

Tyrande has a lot of backstory. A lot. And all of it was completely dismissed when World of Warcraft became a thing. She went from being a strong, maneuverable, tactical amazonian battle-maiden that used Elune as a pillar, more than a crutch, and devolved in to a whiney, hopeless, Malfurion-embracing crutch that NIght Elf lovers cringe at anymore.

Oh yes, thanks for pointing this out by the way: Malfurion and Tyrande are supposed to be incredibly potent characters in the Warcraft 'verse after all, and Malfurion is one of the strongest, if not possibly actually the strongest mortal on the entire planet it self. Thanks for pointing this fact out. Now, let it sink in that in sheer power displays since World of Warcraft’s creation, books to follow and in-game representation: Jaina would kill them both with a flick of her wrist.


That was hardly Medivh’s fault. Sargeras and all of that mess made his downfall possible.


No, he is just a warrior, but he can be granted Loa powers because there are two Zandalaris Loas take care of him, because he is the Zandalari King. Rezan is the loa of the kings, he have (or used to have) to Rastakhan under his wing, at the same time that Razatakhan worship him faitfully. Bwonsadmi also is interested about him, and he grant him powers if is needed in order to they both get theyr goals.
He don’t need an spiritual bond to get the favors of the loas magic, like witch doctors and prelates. Being the king and being faitfull to Rezan, or deal agreements with Bwonsadmi, is all he need to comunicate them and get their favors.

I’m still wondering how the most powerful mage in the known universe, Aegwynn his mother, didn’t notice and interfere… I guess she was too busy saving the universe. Someone needs to do a comic book series on the kids of superheros.

You might want to see this video. That no wimp. That a bad man.

Yeah, but it’s organic for them. Not just have someone appear out of nowhere at exactly just the right time to provide you with the openings you need.

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