Why is Jaina more powerful than First Arcanist Thalyssra

She should be about as if not more powerful than Jaina.

Not to mention Jaina had aegwynne as an advisor for a time.

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Was Thalyssra stuying and practicing magic all 10000 years? If she do please give a source, as far we know nightborn were doing nothing

What?! The nightborne figured out time magic ffs. That’s what they did for 10000 years. No one else figured it out outside of the bronze dragons.

So 10000 years “practicing” magic, can’t beat an Human mage, don’t look as a powerfull mages to me then.

It does if you expend that time practicing, in other fictional works, long lived beings are often the mentor for the younger races, here in warcraft is the opposite case just for favoritism in the crew of writers.

It’s true magic studies can be refined in the years like it works with refined process in the real world but the thing is that we don’t live that long to continue the research or hone even more said skills. Besides those cases your mention are just exception of the norm that doesn’t happen with your average joe or very often

Again I’m not defending the Elves, most of their lore is just jokes about addiction but long lived races like Draenei should have an edge in magic or ancient civilizations like the Trolls should have their own cast of magical users that should be formidable or even more powerful than a human faction that started to study magic in less than 200 years old with elves as teachers.

And people call us junkies.

Her last name is Skywalker

Same reason Sylvanas is stronger than the Lich King.

They were empowered by the loa of bad writing.

Actually she is getting power from the Shadowlands. Im sure that will be explained in the expansion

Thanks, I know that - it’s still crap writing. “Z is why X is able to beat Y.” when we’ve never heard of Z, nor has it been built up at all - is stupid.

Well, Im sure it will be explored in 8.3 to some degree and then the pre release and finally the expansion. Theyre not just going to dump the whole thing out there.

God this is an old thread…

I do find it funny that this is still a debate, though, considering Jaina’s power’s meant absolutely nothing at all the entire expansion. Nothing about her power resulted in any actual victory for the Alliance against the Horde, even killing Rast and escaping didn’t amount to anything, the Zandalari still joined the Horde and almost zero long term damage was done.

A lot of the complaints about Jaina seem to be solely because people can’t be objective about her, because she said mean things about the Horde for a few expansions and this makes her worthy of being a raid boss for some reason. I mean, Khadgar does more ridiculous stuff in the intro to WoD than Jaina does all expansion, and no one really bats an eye. Hell, people even say that Khadgar could beat her, and yet no one complains he’s OP.

In terms of Thalyssra, keep in mind that she was basically the only one there with any notable magical skill, they’d been running and fighting through Stormwind and other mages for a while, and they had an army bearing down on them. Thalyssra and Jaina are probably in the same league, but a fight between them would have taken way too long, and the rest of the soldiers would have shown up.

Thalyssra and Jaina are counterparts to each other in Naz’jatar, which means that they’re peers, power wise, at the very least. I dislike humans showing up all the races as much as the next person, but in Jaina’s case it’s not really a fair assessment.

I don’t think she’s more powerful than First Arcanist Thalryssa, I just think Jaina has gotten more screen time. I think if Blizzard were to truly have the two duke it out, Thalryssa would have an opportunity to pull out some crazy magic herself. You don’t become First Arcanist of a magic wielding race that can live for countless thousands of years for nothing.

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Wow is just an Anime.

A bad anime.

Humans have an affinity for magic, given their young age compared to elves, they are likely stronger.

Take Jaina, who is a human mage prodigy, combined with the fact that she absorbed the remnants of the Thunder King’s power into Antonidas’ Staff, which was probably already powerful, combined with her years of combat experience, and she deserves to beat Thalyssra in just about every showdown.

Thalyssra is more of a scholar mage, she was in a bubble for 10k years practicing and studying but not really applying any of it until the revolution against Elisande and then the combat during the start of BfA.

Jaina stronk.

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Staff of Antonidas? No… not at all. Atiesh as that was the Guardian’s weapon, wielded by Aegwyn and Medivh, should be the strongest

Or Staff of Sargeras, or Aluneth
but definitely NOT Antonidas, he’s nowhere near those in terms of power

The problem with the alliance

Jaina has thunder king power, which is really just Ra-den’s power, tucked away in her staff

Halloween over. Stop the necromancy.

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