Why is Jaina more powerful than First Arcanist Thalyssra

She also got infused with the remainder of Aegwynn’s power, did she not? A former Guardian?

jaina is kul tiran, meaning she already had a high affinity for water magic as even non “mage” kultirans can communicate with water and have a connection with aquatic elements and creatures around them, add to this that she helped defeat a storm god in MoP and she might as well be WoW’s version of the demi-god thor since she trapped said mystical storm god in her staff. so storm god + magical affinity + years of practice= mage demi-god. plus thalryssa may have as much skill from literally thousands of years of study, but living under a dome means she probably hasn’t had much practical practice in exerting said skills, so while thalryssa holds the edge likely in pure skill jaina has more pure power as well as practice putting her craft to use, notice that thalryssa focused mostly on defensive shields in their fight, a subtle nod to the fact that she wouldn’t have much “combat” experience or many offensive spells since she would mostly be maintaining the nighthold shields.

Ah, I see you’ve been reading the forbidden texts…


If it happens it happens, no one made you click the link on forums page.

Why would Thalyssra ever be more powerful than a Mage that has gotten multiple sources of study, tons of experience against incredibly powerful foes, the best teachers in the world (Antonidas, Kael’thas, Kalecgos) and access to very powerful magical items anyway?

Thalyssra lived long but she was trapped in a dome under a single city. Not much knowledge there. Places that don’t trade knowledge don’t really grow that much, the nightborne are stagnant.

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My first response was going to be bad writing. Then I thought about it for a bit and came up with maybe Thallyssa was diminished somewhat over the centuries because of what happened in Suramar with the Legion and the shield.


so she beds the ASPECT of magic (a dragon who literally IS magic itself), has had a storm god in her staff since MoP, was PROCLAIMED by kul tiras to be one of the best tidesages and kul tiran mages ever AT BIRTH, and yet you claim her pure power is out of nowhere? and yes she IS an example of a good character, because she has development and character growth. put simply jaina as others have pointed out has been growing as both a character and a mage since before WOTLK with arthas, while thalryssa was basically addicted to the nightwell and near 100% dependent on it and living under a dome in peace time (not testing her “skills” in combat to hone or extend them).

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several reasons, talent, potential + a bunch of other reasons and the fact she’s been around since wc3 bare minimum.

oh and primarily the reason she’s got the power of a titan-keeper in her staff thanks to the thunder king stealing and using ra-den’s power for himself which she had us siphon at the end of the throne of thunder.

her being a powerhouse really isn’t and shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s been following her backstory in-game and in lore, it’s not ‘muh human potential’, this has been going on longer than the ‘humans and friends’ theme we got going on right now for the Alliance as a whole.


It’s incredibly surreal to check WoW forums and see a ton of new notifications from people liking your year-old posts. We don’t need a Necromancer class in game because we already have enough on the forums. :stuck_out_tongue:

On-topic, my opinions on the matter haven’t really changed in the year since this thread was created and for what it’s worth I thought Jania was the most fun raid boss of this expansion. So good for her.


Jaina has been developing during those years. Unlike certain characters that are given godlike powers from one day to another, Jaina has background, experience, and has done many things more than just teleporting.

As for her power, well, that’s talent with experience and study (if there’s something Jaina loves to do is studying like…110% fo her free time, when not being forced to actually make use fo her arts duting war) to back it up. Some people are talneted, that’s a very simple truth applicable to our reality as well. While your average dude may do things right, there’s always that few known names that do the same things extremely well. Jaina is simply one of those.

Too many here assume that age is the dominate factor in mage ability. Granted, somebody with 10,000 years of experience should have more practice under their belts.

But that doesn’t necessarily equate to talent. Some people practice things all their lives and never gain much improvement, whereas some people can spend ten minutes doing something and master it.

In real life, music comes to mind. Members of my wife’s family are gifted with musical talent. They can hear a song, pick up dang near any instrument, and play the tune note-for-note in a few minutes, even an instrument they have never played before. Some of them are children.

Some people just have natural talent.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQUeDadMn78 is that not raw power? Why Khadgar gets underestimated, I’ll never know.

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This is why we need that anti Necro lock in place. :rofl:

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Still 10k of years is wayyy to much time that could make even a person with zero talent to be a very powerful being. Blizzard is just writing so poorly with literal inmortal races having less intelligence than short lived ones.

Human charm comes from being capable of being anything but not full master and making the human cast of Warcraft being so talented and powerful that makes a character like Rey a flawed one is just one sympthon of the bad writing.

Also I’m defending elves, they waste most of their time consuming magic as junkies that has to cry to the shoulders to others to fix their problems.

Soooo, looking through some of the comments, if the reason we’re going with is: “Thalyssra spent 10,000 years under a bubble and being starved of Nightwell goodness and doing absolutely nothing.”

How is the same scenario then not applied to Azshara when she’s spent the past 10,000 years under the ocean doing nothing but scheme and show up to wiggle her tentacles in our face?

Sorry for the spoiler, but Jaina is in fact Azeroth’s avatar.

Thing is living longer doesn’t mean one would be so much better.

Everything in the world evolves, every art and such. Amateurs and entry level people nowadays can study and get on the level of people who studied for decades on ancient times because that knowledge has been refined and made easier to obtain and learn.

It would be the same with magic. 10000 years of experiments and someone reads those notes mastering the stuff on a few years. Not only that, but access to knowledge is made easier and that’s the same in WoW. Elves tend to think they are better at everything and keep to themselves usually, while humans discover things from every race and share knowledge over generations.

Thalyssra studying for 10000 years inside one city with the same people with the same needs isn’t really a good track record, just shows she was stagnant.

100% I believe Thalyssra should be more powerful, and think it’s bad story telling to continue to write Jaina as being above even Nightborne level of knowledge

Azshara was already on the level of Kil’jaeden before she turned into a naga. And she has been working with an old god, someone who can whisper knowledge and empower people.

Why would Nightborne have a lot of knowledge though? history proves that nations that are open and trade information and more develop way quicker than isolated places.

Nightborne have been too isolated (and not even with more terrotory to experiment) and thus left behind.

I would agree, but Azshara doesn’t really demonstrate using void like attacks or Old God like abilities (Only done the raid once, could be wrong.) She only attacks us with her own arcane abilities. I also feel like Azshara is too prideful to accept being empowered by an Old God or even accept his knowledge in the first place.

I’m fine with Thalyssra being portrayed in a sort of weakened-ish state still to a degree and would’ve been fine if she originally couldn’t fight Jaina simply because of their location, but I also feel like she should raise to Jaina’s equal power level or slightly higher given her knowledge considering Tyrande was scared that she would become the next Azshara.