Why is it that Chinese server get special treatment? (Big Blizzard Bear)

for me its quite the opposite, 2 years without the game, they should have received more than just this mount lol

We need a petition to ban OP from US servers.

While you gone fishing and certainly hooked a few people on here. The end of the day is, it doesn’t matter. Side note I’m surprised this post has survived as well, I would have thought it would have been nuked by now.

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It’s fair, those people had to go through the fear of wondering whether or not WOW was coming back to them. Do you realize how much screaming people’s neighbors heard when WOW was probably shutting down for good?

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level 10, only a single post under their belt… i smell bait…

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Land a job that has you work from there. Lots of places send people abroad to China/related areas.

Get a sub while there.

Get the reward.

If you do this a few years you can even get a new title irl. Expatriot, If you want it. I know some long stayed ouf of the US folks who don’t like that term.

To me it just means I hold a US passport, i’ve just not lived there for 24 years. Others have it have bad meanings. Meh, whatever.

My take is, none of this was Blizzards fault. Netease and the CCP and a culture of intellectual theft, which the Chinese people almost universally have NO issues with are completely to blame. Blizzard and Netease were in the middle of negotiations, Netease torpedoed those negotiations (for dubious reasons), which forced Blizzard to pull support for all of their games, not just WoW (sans DI). Blizzard tried to negotiate a 6 month period to allow access to their games while the two parties were negotiating… Netease refused.

I don’t really care about this either way, but Blizzard footing the bill over other peoples wrong doing … is just absurd. And I’m not talking about handing out mounts or goodies, which costs Blizzard nothing. Two years of lost revenue and collective interest and usage among all of their games, has without a doubt shaped the success or failure of those games to some degree.

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It wasn’t jsut blizzard. Netease killed all their deals. Their setup with eve (CCP games, jsut coincidence they have that name lol) was also killed at some time.

Eve was even morbidly funny. They just put time and effort into a special Chinese new year themed event drop. An event the chinese could not even take part in. So yeah that fell a bit flat.

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It’s been how long since the people in china didn’t have access to World of Warcraft? Months or years now? And so they deserve something special to get them back into the game sped up in some way and make things easier to catch up or something.

They live in china. That’s why.

Some people are calling the OP a troll post or bait but I’m not so sure. :upside_down_face:

Scratches head It’s a bear…why do you care so much?

Way to act and sound like a spoiled brat. They’re getting special treatment this one time because The next expansion is coming out very soon and they’re just now getting dragonflight. So they kind of have to get them prepared to go live the same time that we go live.

Don’t sound so entitled. You are not owed anything.

You’re confusing Blizzard with Netease.

I see the type of person you are. How does what someone else got have anything to do with what you get? Go get your welfare handouts.

I was thinking the same thing. Was considering checking my subscription bill and see if we were getting charged for this perk the Chinese servers were getting.

The childish FOMO energy coming froma big part of the wow community lately is disgusting

Its different for them, because its a different system over there. They lost a lot of time on thier characters. All be it they flooded our servers as gold sellers and to control our AH. But if you ever played a KR or China MMO through companies via VPN and SSN on native server its very different over there vs U.S/Euro servers. They have easier game play/fights, more loot drops, easier to level gear, but insanely higher grind, and more micro transactions to counter, reason more government restrictions on thier playtime. They are also more intense about gambling, rewards etc.

Don’t they get a LI-LI pet we never even got to see? that also means those cool mounts aren’t nearly as valuable to them as they are to us because everyone in China has one. Lol.

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