Why is it some players cannot be found in Wow Armory?

I just was in a casual Isle of Conquests raid and this warrior from Stormrage kept contradicting everyone who wanted to go hangar. Curious to see his experience I looked him up on WoW armory but he was nowhere to be found. I tried to report it but suddenly got a Blizzard Browser error.

set to private?

I think you can set it to private.

armory has never… NEVER… been a viable source for looking people up.

it’s super hit and miss.

…especially if someone has recently used character services.


Yes that works to not be found in forums…but on the US Wow Armory??

Yeah you might be right on that. I don’t think they are actually connected. I just opened my armory and it didn’t realize I was already logged in here.


It used to be more hit-or-miss pre-armory when people transferred from their original realm. But the people who crawl armory data can usually find players, even those who try to hide using character services.

With bandwith and hardware so cheap, I wouldn’t be surprised if persons or entities have databases which include every toon in the WoW armory. They can link up all your alt(s) to your account(s) with a high degree of certainty.

You can look me up.

I am a Rogue that doesn’t hide. I am no coward!

I am a baller.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


To add to this, if you head over to the website bug report forum, there’s a good bit of chatter about armory itself failing to update over the last 2 weeks. Not sure if this is contributing to your woes, Willine, but might be worth a look-see if you…willing :upside_down_face:

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I was not interested in looking up my own profile…in the past I have seen my profile disappear and my profile be delayed in update…that was related to
the Blizz API not being properly updated…this was my attempt to look up SOMEONE ELSE who was TROLLING a BG I was in…

Yeah, there are points in that forum where attempting to look at another players armory yields the default “Something’s not quite right…” screen too. Probably a bad link from me on the thread, but there are folks reporting that because armory hasn’t updated that they’ve not been able to actually look at anything in the Armory

Happened again today. Some stranger personally insulted me, in some casual bg, calling me a “special snowflake”…no apparent reason why…looked up this druid …not in Details, not in US Armory.

It’s hilarious how you cry harassment and stalking in your other thread and then post this. You need to just relax! :rofl:


I’m being gaslighted.

LOL just learn to have fun instead of stalking people and caring about randos. :rofl:

I hear ya OP, I’m constantly armory-ing people in BGs too… especially the big pumpers :face_with_monocle:

The guys with special characters in their names are the most annoying as far as the armory goes, very difficult to track them down/pull up their character page.

Unless you were in the same group/instance as them and manually copy-pasted the name, almost impossible to find them :man_facepalming:

If you can target them, you can right click and hit copy character name. That’s what I do when I’m checking people out before BGs w/ BGE showing me the other team.

Also, I found it neat that one of the check-pvp alternatives, glad.gg, brings up characters with names like the one you put in even when they have special characters. Only downside is less people are in their database since check-pvp is so much more popular.

Then just ignore them. I don’t honestly know why you need to look them up via the armory when you can just put them on ignore.

Maybe i’ve never had that happen to me or not in a BG setting at least, or even if it did happen, i might’ve forgotten about it. But personally speaking, it just seems like a lot of work to go though all because somebody called you a name.

I didn’t know you were good at making jokes Mafic :rofl:


I had my character bookmarked, i changed race and now it’s giving an error page and still won’t show for me. Seems buggy.