My payment for item in game was denied. Information is correct and and there is balance on the card.
All i got was a generic copy and paste of the payment issues page in support section.
I got no messages from my card issuer when they think payment is fraudulent. Usually merchants can see what went wrong. I cannot resolve the issue with out this information. I can spend hours with the card company trying to get help to only be told it is on vendor side like they always say.
That isn’t always true. In this case - this specifically says unknown error.
Something has obviously gone sideways - but we’ve no idea of knowing what. Could be in processing at several points.
I’d give this a few hours and give it another go - both these tries look to have failed.
I do apologize for any inconvienence.
I get it, it is frustrating because I cannot resolve it with out knowing what went wrong.
Well, typically, if it’s something on your side - that not an unknown error.
That is what is making me lean more towards something systemic at the moment.
But that’s just a semi-educated guess given there is literally no information on this note.
I had a similar issue with this. Try retyping all your card info. That’s how I resolved my issue.
Many times just because you entered one number wrong with out seeing it. Also sometimes even if you do not get a call or message from your bank to call them. I have had charges blocked and only got it resolved by calling them.
It can happen since there is a lot of credit card fraud directed at blizzard. We all know the gold sellers do not play nice!
My information was saved and used before. I was not typing it out. So i know it is not an avoidable error like that. I do appreciate the answer it is just frustrating. If the first response to the ticket included pertinent information like they cannot see the error instead of boiler plate response that doesn’t answer question, all would have been good. Was just trying to avoid the step of calling bank and them asking me to contact merchant first, which they always seem to do.