Why is it so hard to fix the drop rate of the love rocket?

Why not until next year? I don’t really get it, like how hard is it to raise the drop chance to like 1% and extend the holiday for like a week this time around and that way everyone’s happy?

Why? Why does this take until next year lol


I have the same question about most changes in WoW!


Perhaps it is 1% and people aren’t bragging or relatively few people are trying for it.

Because the RNG is the problem for a temporary event like this. Blizz is considering alternate solutions that don’t require daily grinding on many many alts to be efficient. Even at a 1-3% drop chance it’s still the same thing we’re doing right now and you’re not likely to get it.

So it takes more time to think about and ponder. They’re still in the debating stage. And Blizz is considering it on a broader scale for the other holidays too. So we may see a bigger collective holiday change in the future.

Also Love in the Air ends in three days. There’s no point to doing anything for this year’s.


Because raising all drop chance will devalue the mount for the people that already have it and it also bruises their superiority complex. Just a wild guess. Artificial scarcity in video games through time-limited content which then paralyses players with FOMO is…quite something. But will I run an army of alts? No, best I can do is 9 alts a day. Why? Because I only have 9 characters.


Make all event mounts buyable off their vendors for tokens that they already give, problem solved.


Well, this is Blizzard we’re talking about.
They’ve got to figure how how to inject another rep you can farm to get an increased drop chance.


Because I only have 9 characters.

I’ve been running 20+ characters for years now. This marks another year where I ran 22 alts daily, while dealing with the stupid 10 instance an hour limit too because for some reason they couldn’t make the holiday dungeon not count towards those…

And still nothing. Idk anymore.


My condolences. I made a plan when I started this game to never make 10 characters or more, and I’ll stick to that plan. Few days ago I saw a person that had 3K+ attempts on invincible, and I believe that person because I have 2781 attempts on Old Crafty.

Don’t go broke trying to win a lottery.

100’s of mounts in the game, a handful will be lottery type acquisitions. This is one of them. If it was a different one the love rocket would have been sitting unused in your collection for years.


What a wild concept.

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I don’t understand why people obsess over this mount


My prediction is that they’ll make some type of new currency that lasts outside of the event and if you save your currency for 2-3 years, you can just buy the mount from a vendor.

Personally, i’d just prefer they make it a 1% drop rate but that’s just me, i like to grind things.

Look you just don’t move the decimal place over just like that.

You need countless discussions and meetings. You need to sacrifice at least 10,000 Gnomes and make absolutely sure that we can sacrifice 10,000 more for a later date.

Who do you think you are OP? The nerve.


Because an old Dev decided to set drop rate at 0.03 and now it’s more difficult for Devs to do a change without impacting some players investment.

In my opinion they changed Mechadone on patch 9.1.5 when some players already got that mount and they changed anniversary mount really fast…they could do it but don’t want.

Even when they already did changes for the worse on this mount over the years:

  1. Player who got it during the first iteration on which you could spam the dungeon with a single character.
  2. Player who got it when the LFG was introduced and the daily attempt per character, only 14+ lvl.
  3. Player who got it after patch 7.3.5 on which Devs created a minimum level that will move each expansion forcing players to relevel alts.

Every change just did the farm worse


The name heartbreaker fits perfectly

removing this mount from the game would work all so

Those are the two important points. While leveling alts isn’t really any harder than it has been in the past, having ‘relevant’ and useful alts is.

That said, been doing it on 13 toons this time around. I have no expectation I will get it, but the drop rate, along with the other ultra rare mounts needs to be adjusted. Even if these mounts are very, very rare, they still need to be within the realm of reason of being able to get.


The fundamental question is, should there be rare mounts?

Every collection type activity has commons and rares, no one cares about the commons. MtG, Stamps, Pokemon, comic books. Anyone care about a box full of commons for any of those?

This just seems like a new way to play the collection game, whine until the devs give it to you.

And no I don’t have it, I just prefer a game where there are rares because IMHO a box full of commons isn’t any fun.


Same reason it takes them almost a year to make it so that we can swap covenants without a two week downtime.


But that depends on amount of attempts, that concept of rare as i mentioned they removed the spam format to a limit amount and everytime its worse causing a bigger issue compared to when this was introduced.

if they add a new box for 2-3 love tokens with same drop rate peopel will still complain because that bring more attempts to players.

Everythin on this game should be designed around a player with only 1 character on mind, if a player only uses 1 character it needs 222 years to reach 3333 attempts.