Why is it so hard to fix the drop rate of the love rocket?

My problem with the love rocket isn’t that it’s rare; it’s the reasons why it is rare. A really difficult quest chain? Cool. A really long but interesting and intuitive grind? Cool.

Unfortunately, the love rocket is neither of those or anything intuitive to earn. 60 characters every day just for it not to drop is not fun gameplay. You spend more time in a downtime queue, plus they lock you out after 10 attempts in an hour. 2 weeks a year with a .03% drop rate is absurd.

TLPD and Aeonaxx are good because they are deterministic. They have set timers. You can sit there and wait for them, but if you do it right you get them. The bee mount and Mechadone wheel are good because they are intuitive long-form grinds that have a definitive end. Vicious saddles and Gladiator Mount/KSM/AOTC Mount are all skill-based and show that you worked to get there. It’s deterministic, but a vastly large amount of the playerbase will never it.


That’s common. Just a “do this get X.”

This is a lottery.

Said this earlier, don’t go broke trying to win a lottery.

It’s not an earned or deserving thing, it’s just luck. You can spend a couple weeks running 60 toons through the instance every year and never get it and a new player can run it and get on their first try.

It’s ok for the game to have things only a handful of people will have. Going mad trying to get it is on the player.


It wouldn’t, they just don’t care enough to do anything about it now like they should. Put it on the vendor for a reasonable amount of tokens so everyone can go get it in a few hours.

I bet if the event went live with an accidental 100% drop rate… that would have been top priority to be fixed however. Can’t have too many people enjoying themselves…


1% is “rare” .03% is unreasonably rare.


How many people do you want to force out of the game? People like playing alts. They don’t all play them the same way. You can’t make the overwhelming majority of players want to play like you. How would that be good for the game to reduce the population to a fraction of what it is now?

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Like I’ve been saying for the last 2 or 3 days: it’s one mount out the 700+ available. Its rarity is what makes it special. Nobody cares about the Twilight Drake (for example) because everyone and their brother has it.

Try reading their entire post. Naamah is actually saying the mount needs to be less rare.


There are no mounts that are only special because of rarity, and there doesn’t need to be.

I don’t want the love rocket bc it is rare, I want it bc it’s cute af.
I didn’t farm Invincible bc of its rarity, I wanted it bc of the lore.
Everyone has the wondering ancient yet I use that on all my druids and hunters and see parades of them in Oribos …bc it’s a cool mount.

The only thing low drop rates do is keep people doing content they don’t really want to do.


C’mon it’s the internet. They have to try and add value to pixels somehow.

I wouldn’t bother with it. 0.03% is just disgustingly low. They should be ashamed


Isn’t that entire point of this damn game?

Why do people get gladiator? Why do they get KSM? World first?

Isn’t it for the stupid pixels?

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Its scarcity is what makes it desirable.
If everyone had it, no one would care.


in bliz eyes its not broken, so theres no need to “fix” it

Everyone won’t be happy :slight_smile:

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They said they’re fixing it next year.


All 4 pandaria world boss mounts are 1:2000.

The content is designed to be farmed. If you want people to stop caring about the game…why do you want to do that exactly?

He is saying that the entire game should be redesigned to benefit players who play no alts. I’m not sure how you think that removing or repurposing content that people spend a lot of time doing is going to be a change for the better.

Why should I “chill”? You want all mounts to be made extremely common so characters with no alts can get guaranteed drops. Except for the x-45, which you want only a handful of people to get every year.

What is it you think that people who have had their playstyles removed from them to give you super easy mounts are going to do? Mythic raiding?

1 in 3000.

Where did I say that exactly?

But he’s also been saying this mount needs to be less rare.

What? Who said anything about removing content? I sure as hell didn’t.

Because you’re wired.

… I never said that.

I think the mount should stay rare.

I have no idea how to answer this question because I have no idea what you’re talking about.


I’ve never trusted math. it’s all numbers. And they make sense in every iteration. Like, look at this.


That’s a number right? You can read it. But now watch:


Still a number. Wild. You can’t do that with words. Engage is a word. GGaen isn’t a word.

I think math is the work of the devil.

Because they have to decide how they want to change it.

Do they just want to up the drop chance and if so by how much? If too many people get the rocket do the queues for the event boss become horrible because of the lack of players running it? Do they then have to give a better reward to get more people in there again?

They’ll probably up the drop chance just because it’s easier, but they have to consider the consequences of that before they do it. It’s not going to kill us to wait for the event to come back if they don’t make the change before the event is over this time around.

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Some people believe

Probably, I certainly will never set foot into that dungeon again unless Blizz forces me

Blizz: “New mount in Crown Chem!”

For exactly one week straight there will be 3 threads a day on the forums QQing. Then it’ll taper off until eventually all you’ll see is someone randomly saying “Yeah love rocket was great before everyone had it”, most likely every February, some people will engage, there will be a mild argument and then that too will stop.

The wow community will react as predictably as they always do :laughing:

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