Why is it ok for blizz to kill RP?

They did. Here it is.

I’d be happy if they’d just fix the capitol city sharding again.

Can’t even spell her own name right.


Do you really need to continue to subject GD to your ridiculous topics right up to the last minute of your sub?

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I’m betting, paid for 6month sub, switching to another new main and taking break off forums.

Which seems feasible, not like her give Vulpera purple triangles stint.

:face_with_monocle: wat?

I don’t see how RPing means every character is a Maw Walker just like how not everyone was a Champion prior to this.

In FFXIV there are tons of roleplayers, they just don’t do group rp as if their character was THE Warrior of Light. Don’t rp in groups as if you were the Maw Walker.

The floaty person mentions when it’s time to choose your covenant, that other mortals will also have to choose. So floaty person confirmed it’s all happening and thus you aren’t even the only mortal there doing things.

There, now you are good to RP Elite your SL experiences.


I don’t get the RP elite thing. Is it an out of season april fool’s joke?


Its is a self imposed authoritarian title she uses to (well attempts to) bully others who do not align within her strick personal views on how RP Servers are run.

She had openly made forum post name shaming “non rp” names, and often reported people on races+class+spec combinations, reported names she doesn’t like, even if it is fitting to RP content, as well many other things.

Like a soap opera. Will a much smaller cast.


 nods Okay!

Meh. Yeah. But my character has since traveled to the SL and back twice, though both were strenuous for her. In my partner’s and my story, each time you leave the Shadowlands, you leave a part of yourself there with it (Similar to the Revendreth curses). This makes travel possible, but crucial; not something to be done casually.

I see your frustration, but the fun in RP is being creative and imaginative. Yes, Feyrre is not a Maw Walker, but she did have to go to the SL for reasons I made up. And it worked well in a story. And it was fun. RP is fun. If the restrictions Blizzard is giving you don’t cater to your RP style, then change the restrictions.

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I’ve never heard of them so they must not be very elite or they’d be infamous.

People like the OP must be why MG-H isn’t doing so hot.


RP is a bonus, not the main focus of an expansion if you ask me.

Like others have said: FFXIV has a good idea of how RP works. While there IS a Warrior of Light / Champion of Azeroth / Maw Walker, I usually make them a figure left ambiguous but present, a hero that inspires others to rise. Sure, its a bit of a cop-out, but it IS stated in various FFXIV sources that even a WoL would be kinda stupid to fight a Primal 1v1.

You make lots of posts starting with this and it always makes me giggle because

  1. This is not a blog
  2. Your character’s name is Tuiie, and even though you probably have a main RPer that is named Tuie (Or maybe your RL name is Tuie), it looks like you are misspelling your own name

But you keep doing you because it’s fun and I like it :smiley:

Yeah, honestly, I get vibes that she isn’t as elite an RPer as she claims she is

I mean, I’m no expert and often I bend the rules of RP with the excuse of “Lore died with N’zoth” but it’s allowed me a LOT more fun to work with a fanon that has fixed a few glaring issues for me AND has allowed me to expand my ideas.

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The lore of this game is 90% head canon for me tbh because I stopped watching cinematics and reading quests, LOL!

The story changes halfway through from you being THE maw walker to you being A maw walker and there are apparently a bunch of other mortals who like champagne, classical music and taking long moonlit walkthrough the maw.

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In my mind I’m using all the hustle and bustle from Brokers talking about how business is booming with all the mortals around as reason to say that your average folk is making their way into the Shadowlands someway. Be it the Broker agent hanging out next to the Death Knight Acolytes holding open our portals or otherwise.

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Honestly, it saddens me nobody is RPing in Oribos due to them being too timid or adhesive to broken lore. Branch out a little, eh?

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