Why is it ok for blizz to kill RP?

Tuie here, RP elite

So a big part of the expansion for roleplayers is all the new story, the new zones and all the fun imagination that comes with it.

However blizz has already stated you cannot freely travel from shadowlands to regular azeroth. In edition, its impossible for every character to be a “maw walker” . So in essence the next 2 years never happen and there isnt anything new for us roleplayers for 2 years.

That is not ok. If blozzard didnt give a raid for two years, or new dungeons for 2 years pve would lose their minds. Why is it ok to give us the short end of the stick?

Cause it’s their game and they can do what they like with it?

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Just use your imagination and RP the story you want?


Um…RP is created by the players imagination. I don’t think anyone can take that from you…


I thought you quit, what does it matter?


Shadowlands may be the worst lore/rp expansion. I’m still holding out hope we leave the Shadowlands in 9.1…

I stopped reading here


You can freely travel from the SL to Azeroth by going to Oribos and taking the portal.


Maybe because rp is so vast that they can’t fit it in the game right now,yet you are playing a role with your character in the game,the confusing part is what role are you playing?

You think a silly thing like a dev saying “XYZ isn’t canon” has stopped players from making XYZ part of their own headcanon?

I, for one, operate on the portal to Oribos existing in RP, since the maw-walker establishes a portal to Org/SW in the first five minutes of arriving on Oribos in a quest.


It hasnt but headcannon is not used in real RP. I prefer to stick to the lore

An actual RP elite could RP circles around you AND what ever Blizzard throws their way. You lack RP skill, little one.


The game wasn’t made for goldshire rpers.


Dear so-called “roleplay elite,”

My guild leader taught me about something he calls “evergreen plots,” which are plots not tied to the current narrative.

A truly elite roleplayer can make their own stories and fun in Azeroth.

Like the elitist PvX players like to say, git gud.


All of the NPCs in Oribos talk about how the “mortals” - plural - are doing things. You’re told that “other mortals may choose differently” when you pick a covenant. And “Maw Walker” appears to be a term in common enough use that everyone has heard there’s a Maw Walker around, even though supposedly nobody escapes the Maw, and supposedly it takes anima to travel between realms (which means such travel would be very limited due to the drought).

I think it’s fair to say there’s room for multiple Maw Walkers in the lore, just like there was room for many Champions of Azeroth in BfA (final cinematic vs N’zoth aside).


How is this any different from any other expansion?

No one ever RPs about the current battle going on, because as you say, not every character can be the main character in an RP narrative like they can in the game.

He means lore-wise. Although ingame we have portal keepers in theory those two keepers must be one of the most strongest beings to port a connection to Stormwind. Though WoD portal keepers are also pretty pro given that they’re channeling to an alternate reality.

I thought you made a big topic about how you quit.

Your first mistake as a RPer was trying to actually incorporate new WoW canon into your RP.


I still have time on my sub