Why is it always undead rogues?

Most locks will be dead before they can even get out of a stun lock.

Personally, I never attack anyone under 60 in the World.

Hell, even when ranking I don’t bother 60’s farming.

Run around with a Pirate Hat and people just leave you alone, I’m tellin’ ya

to each his own. because of phase 2, I still to this day delete every alliance I see multiple times regardless of levels. and im fine with it being that way.

Yeah but female human Paladins are worse. Remember Athene? Literally started a cult IRL.

What confuses me is when they drop consumables on a lowbie. Like I get it, but why spend the gold on a sapper or an iron grenade when you were gonna take me out in one hit anyway? It’s not like I can get away when you have an epic mount.

That orc racial is pretty broken. You must not pvp.

Troll here because I look so fly.

Also the guy saying orcs make bad rogues. I agree! They look horrendous. Thier gear/movment/swing animations are terrible with rogues.

However they are probably the best pick for rogue. Bloodfury is arguably as good as my PvE racial and stun resist is just flat out good.

no life edge lords that are still wirings in their parents basement

It certainly feels broken, as I’ve never resisted 25% of stuns. I hope other orcs are a hell of lot more lucky than mine. My PVP time isn’t really relevant to the topic.

You wouldn’t noticed the Orc racial since it’s passive. Requires no engagement on your part and is always active but believe me when I say this it’s top tier broken. If this game was MvC2 you would be cable chaining HVBs after getting a guard break from an incoming character.

Actually it’s very easy to notice because if you’re any good at the game, then you already know what other classes have and would naturally expect the stuns. You know what skills everyone has, what they look/sound like, and naturally expect them to be used. The only ones that are hard to spot are the random proc talents. You can never be sure if the player took the talent, or if it proced or not. Impact? Ya, that’s hard to notice (random talent proc). Hammer of justice? Couldn’t be more obvious (default spell on every paladin in the game).

If this game was X you would be chaining Y after getting Z. This is relevant. Just trust me.

The race and class someone plays says a lot about them. It’s like a psychic projection.

For example, I am a Tauren named THUNDERKOWW. Because I am large and in charge and pretty much the biggest deal around.

orc is good for everything

the lesser classes often feel that way…

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I’d rather they camp lowbies in game than take their psycho behavior in real life lol.


I concur, I have a special type of hatred for gnome mages

That class combo is catnip for that type of player. They cannot resist it dude.

dude dwarf make some of the best pvp hunters *stoneform

No, I’m not.

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OP, look at what the rogues abilities are called:

Cheap Shot
Kidney Shot
Sinister Strike

…why would they play any other way than scummy? Their kit is literally made up of scummy abilities!