Why is it always undead rogues?

ooof no it’s actually not at all

It’s not bad, it’s just UD is a better option. Orc has little to no impact on PvE (BF is pretty meh overall until they make it scale) and UD is just better against the VIP targets for Rogues.

I mean it literally just depends on who you’re fighting. UD is better vs locks and priest. Orc is better vs everything else, in particular paladin, rogue, warrior

Sure, but again, Rogues are basically going to target clothies, especially since we’re not undergeared anymore. Also in terms of PvP, I’d say the AoE CC is more useful to break - especially since it’s guaranteed and you get an immunity to it.

Ever heard of Living Action Potion into Death Coil? That alone is going to win you almost every fight against a rogue that didn’t hard open with a shadow reflector on them.

Oh I agree, generally the person who burns consumes to win a 1v1 will win. That doesn’t stop the fact that without consumes, I’m screwed because I can’t Seduce them and they can immune my Fear too.

No duh, because warlocks are meant to be countered by rogues. Similarly rogues are HARD countered by Hunters. Welcome to Vanilla where counter classes exist and if you want to beat one you need to spend a couple gold in consumables to have a fighting chance or severely outplay them (Skull of Impending Doom the scatter trap on a rogue vs a hunter for example)

Just the way the game is.

Uh, no. Not really. Non-UD are a lot easier to deal with. It’s literally WotF. I’d say Warriors are actually better counters to Warlocks.

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I like to play against type. My rogue is nice, my paladin is a scumbag.


Because undead rogues can easily kill warlocks and priests because of not being able to fear. But I will argue that a skilled lock or priest can probably kite them to death.

Eh, I’d beg to differ because the main gimmick for a warlock is getting dots off. The main gimmick for a rogue is not letting a target move to do things and naturally are countered by classes who can disrupt that which warlocks can’t, but mages or hunters for example can with stun removal (blink or hunter pvp trinket that also cleanses crippling).

If you’re facing a non moronic rogue who doesn’t give you a single gap in their stunlock and uses all cds on a warlock, you will die. WOTF isn’t going to do anything because you’ll likely just not even get to cast a fear without it being shadow reflectored, kicked, or vanished mid cast to disrupt it. That would be what I would consider a hard counter.

Warriors have fear immunity abilities and are also a counter but they can’t really shut you down from casting, they can just keep you in their range and smash your face in with abilities making it difficult to peel them off.

Yeah, if they pop consumes or just outplay them. But that’s kind of annoying because it’s only their race that is carrying the Rogue. Warlocks largely counter Rogues outside of UD.

yeah if you actually know how to play your class, which the knowledge has been out for what, 15 years? Of course theya re going to beable to destroy rogues, as well as warriors. Lock fears are OP AF. Can still damage the target that’s feared for days and can’t do anything about it.

Well ignoring the huge nukes that they can throw out (and Shadowburn if specced for it), Warlocks are very good at DoTing and causing a lot of unavoidable damage… but again, they rely on Fear to be able to create breathing room if they’re forced into melee. Their only snare is specced, and they have no built in stun or CC outside of Fear/Charm which is not only breakable but also makes them go immune by that racial.

Running around with Succubus out is generally the best way to counter Rogues, since you can Charm them. Though, a good Rogue can also kick the Seduce or CC the Succubus too, but that’s breathing room. WotF just invalidates that.

Warriors can absolutely shut us down from casting. We may be able to throw DoTs out, but we can’t hardcast anything and they can pretty much two shot us as well.

Ironically they can kill Rogues lol.

Other than UD who can break it and immune it, and Warriors that can also immune it?

The kind that dont need to worry about orc stun resistance, that’s who. Those lucky devils.

Against classes that either have immunity to fear (warriors/UD rogue) or a way to not let a fear get off (pummel, kick, kidney shot, vanish cheap shot, blind, gouge. . .) Fear is more for you to deal with ranged or really bad melee players honestly.

Maybe if you’re playing against rogues bad enough to not realize “Oh hey there’s no voidwalker here, must be a succubus, better open with a shadow reflector to act as a pseudo cloak of shadows”

Sure if you want to boil the argument down to strictly class vs class abilities but given how Vanilla itself operates with engineering and consumables so it’s really non applicable unless you’re dealing with players not maximizing their potential (bads). This kind of gameplay doesn’t exist with skilled people playing Classic. They always have consumables or externals to deal with you.

Also, voidwalker is better because you’ll survive their burst to get off a death coil and throw a row of dots then just try to get away and let your dots win the fight since rogues can’t reliably remove them all. (Hint, WOTF doesn’t work on HORRIFY)

As will a rogue, fear is just useless against any class that can interrupt you, or well not useless but it’s a highly risky move and if you’re dealing with a player ready to disrupt a fear cast, you will lose that fight. If that’s the entirety of your strategy to fear them off you, you will lose.

I go to redridge in every waking moment of my spare time not spent raiding or farming just to gank low lvls…. if im paying 15$ a month to play, I can entertain myself how I want. get some 60’s to come beat me. if they think they can.