Why is Holy Paladin dungeon healing

STILL suck?

Got into a dungeon today for the first time in a long time at lvl 45. Spammed Flash of light with Holy Shock cooldown on the tank and he still died. We had only pulled ONE freaking mob and I havent had this issue on my other healers.

This was an issue when BFA first released and here we are ALL this time later and it’s still an issue.

was the tank using any cds/was his gear garbage? it’s not always the healer who’s at fault.


Serious question.

Were they a Brewmaster?

If it was the tank I had years ago who was where elemental shaman mail… there was nothing any one could have done. Some tanks are just well, not good.



Sounds like the tank was AFK at the door, and you were trying to heal one of the DPS on a boss.

At level 45, I could mage tank mobs in dungeons without a healer.

What’s the problem?

Mail is metal. Tanks are metal.

Therefore mail is tanks.


Holy pallies are fine as healers. Don’t assume based off one guy in one dungeon.

Plus content is pretty dead atm. A lot of people are playing with alts at the moment so don’t assume people are on their mains.

He literally said level 45 dungeon. Even if that guy was on his “main”, that means he’s a new player regardless.

Ah missed that. Then I’d suggest to OP to not judge characters on their state during leveling.

My mage felt kind of clunky till level 60. Now with the 60 talent row options I’m finding it plays a lot more fluidly.

Mage is a funny example because fire straight up doesn’t function until you get Mastery.

Eh I think it functions, but I also think pyroblasts become more reliable as you level. Which for me feels good. I guess it feeds into my need to starsurge.

Eh, Ignite is a fairly large percentage of your damage.

Eh plz note my mage is level 60ish. So for me atm its all about critting so I can use that insta ability that always crits so THEN i can pyroblast.

Haven’t gotten an ability called ignite.

Having leveled Fire recently, I can say that’s just not true.

I had no issues playing Fire from level 20 to 80 without Mastery.

I do find holy pali single target to be quite weak.

Without azerite traits they lack a lot of what makes them viable for dungeon healing.

Can put out a lot of healing on the tank via beacon of light, glimmers, lights judgement, and light of dawn. Though usually for 5 mans you will want to use beacon of virtue.

Holy shock, flash of light and matyr is your singlr target. And they heal for nothing.

Single target healing is way better on my mistweaver. Heal a tank from 0 to 100 like nothing.

Which so so odd since we were st only for like… ever.


At low levels you need to take Bestow Faith, put it on after your Holy Shock has been used on cooldown. Holy paladin healing at that low of level is all about timing your abilities correctly whenever I’ve leveled one. Once you get used to the timing of the damage coming out and your Bestow Faith/Holy Shock it becomes a lot easier. Save your panic button cooldowns in case big damage comes out while your Holy Shock is on cooldown, too.

That’s definitely true but the outlier there is the MW not the Pally, MW’s just have insane single target healing when they lock on a target, waay above everyone else.

What about when mail is scale?

Is scale = tank?

Is dragon = tank?

Also, the only tanks that suck to heal on any healer are the ones who don’t know what mitigation is.

I’ve had all tanks not using mitigation/sitting at max resources except maybe death knight, though they still find ways to go splat too.

The worst is definitely monks who don’t use brews. It’s like healing a rogue tank.

Somethings up here. The last toon I leveled was a Holy Paladin. I spent like 80% of the time just doing DPS (actively competing with actual DPS btw, which is what I was having fun with) because I had the time to do so, healing was secondary and never an issue and I didn’t even have to start focusing on healing over damage until damn near endgame. I didn’t even save cooldowns for emergencies, just popped them to do more DPS.

I leveled almost exclusively through random dungeons, too, so it’s not like my sample size was small.

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