There’s even a web comic about it.
I’m really curious what technically is going on there…
(not that hitting the ground often causes a DC, instead: I don’t often DC, but when I do, it’s often because I hit the ground)
There’s even a web comic about it.
I’m really curious what technically is going on there…
(not that hitting the ground often causes a DC, instead: I don’t often DC, but when I do, it’s often because I hit the ground)
You may have better luck getting an answer in General Discussion (or at least getting speculation), or tweeting @WarcraftDevs over on Twitter.
Where is it happening?
You need to try resetting your UI or running a scan and repair. I haven’t had that issue.
General observations over years of playing. Not in any specific area.
There are many threads already, such as this one
We may not get an answer. But I also think if we never ask, we will definitely never get an answer
In my case just before I posted this, it wasn’t from a flying mount…just falling down a hole in Plaguefall before the last boss…
A philosophy that is most certainly not in the wrong, but the caveat is that asking in the wrong places is also a sure-fire way to not get an answer.
There are no developers on any of the forums, but the Community forums (such as General Discussion as I mentioned above) have employees called Community Managers that pass information from the forums to the developers, and vice versa. The Support Forum Agents found here do not have that responsibility. They may not always know the inner workings and finer details about such specific circumstances, and aren’t necessarily going to divulge that information if they do.
Tweeting the developersat @WarcraftDevs puts your queries directly in their hands, but they are also at their own discretion as to whether they wish to formulate an answer or not. They are the ones who may know beyond a doubt what causes it, but given the vast spectrum of possible system builds, there may be no one single answer, if any answer at all.
How do you know these things?
I don’t necessarily want to talk to a Developer BTW
From being around this neck of the woods a year or… counts
Five… six? In my personal situation. Some have been here longer.
The SFAs state so themselves numerous times, even to this day. After a while, you see it enough that you retain it and eventually start passing it on to other people.
And I understand that it isn’t strictly a developer that you’d want to engage, but they’re the ones that look at the game code and alter it accordingly, see where it might be going wrong. They’re the ones that would have the answers you seek as to how some aspects of the game work as they do… or not work, in this case.
Is it when hitting the ground or is it when exiting a taxi/flight path ?
General observations over years of playing. Not in any specific area.
There are many threads already, such as this one
It still doesn’t negate the possibility that a corrupted UI or game file could be causing it. They are standard troubleshooting steps.
just falling down a hole in Plaguefall before the last boss
Falling in some locations can cause the game to crash because your character moves outside of normal game parameters. Mages blinking through walls can have the same problem.
Use the “stuck character” option on the web page to move your character to a safe location.
One thing I have noticed is that while on a flight path to a new zone, my rere finder Addons sometimes kick off just before landing. Once I land, I immediately travel the short distance to where the rare should be, and it’s not there.
I believe, that you don’t actually enter a new zone until your taxi flight lands, and perhaps, even when your own flying mount lands in the new zone.
A disconnect upon hitting the ground may be an issue with putting you into a zone instance, assuming a that your are entering into a CRZ zone of course.
Generally, in most games, its if it causes it to lose track of your location. If you fall fast and hit the ground, the acceleration and momentum it was calculating your position with changes quickly. Mix that with it trying to relay that to a server that can have some lag and it may feel like its gone outside of the constraints of physics and DC you to avoid bigger issues.
That’s a guess, but probably the most likely thing.
OP, sometimes I also disconnect if my mount jumps off of something and hits the ground to firmly as well. I use my arrows on the keyboard for navigation and if I accidently hit the reverse arrow while having my forward arrow pressed I will also disconnect. I always thought it was my keyboard causing the problem due to my clumsy fingers.
That’s a guess, but probably the most likely thing.
I agree. In years gone by, I’ve read an article or two about this, but it might have been so long ago that it was - dare I say - in a magazine. Yes, I am that old.
I have to agree with Bosco. From what I remember, it’s because your physical location goes out of sync with where the server thinks you should be. Apparently because of reasons that are beyond me, that results in a disconnect.
And I believe that’s what you were getting at. Not really “why is this happening,” in the sense of “how do I fix it,” but more of a “why is this happening,” from an inquisitive or technical standpoint.
In order to get a solid answer, it’d probably be better to hang out on coding forums or game development forums. It’s not the kind of thing Blizzard has ever discussed (“under-the-hood” mechanisms and the inner workings of such.)
I always thought it was my keyboard causing the problem due to my clumsy fingers.
Rest assured, it’s not you or your keyboard.
The only thing you could hit on your keyboard that would disconnect you would be Alt+F4, which A) would close the game rather than “disconnect” you, and B) is almost impossible to hit on accident.