Not sure if anyone has this issue, but I’ve been running into this issue where when I land on the ground with a flying mount and immediately dismount with it, the game will disconnect me (WOW51900319).
After that happens, when I try to log in, I’ll be able to stay logged into a character for a few moments before being disconnected with the same error. This happens for at least 10-20 minutes.
I disconnect all the time when I slam into the ground too fast like coming out of flight form into cat form for a landing, it would disconnect me a third of the time the moment of impact. It also happens in Wisp form when hitting walls or fences, which are difficult for me to see with that ghostly haze.
From what I figure it has something to counter either intentionally or unintentionally going below ground, falling through the world, or through a surface so the game disconnects you and tries to put your character back in a stable plane. I remember in the old days when Feral Charge would cause me to fall through the world, that doesn’t happen anymore now it just disconnects me and login with a mob beating on my face.
Just happened to me again but this time not with a flying mount, it happened after I landed with a Goblin Glider.
Absolutely infuriating when I’m trying to pursue people in wpvp with goblin gliders and the next thing you know I’m disconnected after hitting the ground. I guess I ought not to use anything that makes me hit the ground fast.
I’m also having this issue. If I attack something while I’m dismounting, it will disconnect me and I won’t be able to log back onto that character until I log into an alt, then I can log in fine. This also has happened in a raid towards the end of the boss and I wasn’t mounted… Very odd bug and I’m not having fun at all. Started happening a week ago.
Still happening, suffer from this multiple times per day.
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This is an ancient bug. There’s even a Dark Legacy comic on it. It will never be fixed. You can only try to get around it by not doing the flying thing. I believe it’s due to the warden anticheat thinking you’re trying to glitch the game so it DC’s you.
This is exactly what happens to me, it has happen 3 times in the last hour farming Primals in outlands, everytime I cast a spell to dismount and kill a mob I get disconnected, quite frustrating when you’re trying to farm and maximise GPH. I don’t want to sit there for every farking 30 minutes logging into a game I pay to play simply because Blizz can’t fix the farking issue. No I won’t apologise for language used. Get farked.
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This bug plagues me and sometimes I can experience it several times in a day. It occurs both when landing from a flying mount, and when using disengage.
I’ve just had it happen twice in the span of about twenty minutes.
I was just killed by this bug when dismounting from a flying mount near enemy mobs in Uldum.
Annoying, but not as annoying as when I’d disengage and disconnect on G’huun while doing a run on the sides.
I’ve started keeping track of whenever I get hit by this bug. Here’s the last ~week, times in NZST:
15:42: ICC, disengage
19:12: Uldum, dismounting from flying, was killed
19:37: Stormheim, dismounting from flying for Mounting Made Easy
19:30: Dazar’alor, dismounting from flying
16:20: Naxxramas, disengage into Sapphiron’s room
16:50: Icecrown Citadel, disengage in gauntlet room
Literally every time I quickly land from falling or use disengage, I worry that I’m going to disconnect. It’s very frustrating.
When landing at flightmaster in Heart of the Forrest I run inside and jump down…only to disconnect just before i hit the floor. When i log back in im in the motion of landing and get disconnected again…and again.
Had similar issues other times, and found out i need to do something else for a few minutes before logging on my main again.
Also happens when changing from flightform to catform before landing randomly around the world.
It’s happened to me 3 times today on a different toon in bgs. Reconnent and find me dead of course. This bug is ridiculous.
This happens frequently in seething shore, brawl:cooking impossible. and is still frequent using goblin gliders, engineer glider enchant on back.
Still mad about this in 2022, here’s to hoping the new flying introduced in Dragonflight causes this problem to show up 5x more often (for players that aren’t me and you guys) and forces them to fix it
Ok if devs need a good way to test this, go to Elysian Hold and fly circles around the staircases going up the middle while holding both mouse buttons down and bobbing your camera up and down while flying. I can consistently disconnect every 1-2 mins doing this.
Errr, Elysian Hold prob not necessary, I can reproduce this basically anywhere by flying close to the ground and bobbing up and down on flying mount.
lmao in Darkhaven, Revendreth, there is a brazier on the right going up to the upper level, and if I fly into it I can consistently disconnect within 1-5 tries.
This doesn’t happen to me when I land too fast. It happens when I get attacked in flight form and try to fly straight up in the air. Every time.
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This won’t get any attention from the Devs, since the scales for this bug don’t tilt in the subscribers favor. You should report that you get disconnected after dismounting and 10k gold gets deposited in your bag. 
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Happens to me constantly and has started hitting me hard in Wrath Classic too when dismounting from a flying mount.
Yeah this keeps happening to me. I’ve reported it several places over the past few months, not sure where it should go. But I dc flying in to an herb node if I get aggro. Booted right out. At first it was mainly on my druid, but lately it’s happening on my monk. Twice in Maldraxxus yesterday and today.