Why is gold abysmal this xpac

Those numbers were outrageous so probably not an actual issue overall.

Auction house will find the way. Remember, it’s the players that choose the prices. :slight_smile:

Because before was hyper inflated. When I can make 5k from a wq, thats too much. Prior, you could hit every gold wq node and do all the world content and net 10 to 20k per toon just from that lol.

They have to remove gold from the economy somehow.

You still make plenty from crafting and gathering and doing weekly stuff.
I made some pvp gear that was pricy. My bis cloak and weapon at 619 with embellishments. Those were 150k to 200k for those 2. My pvp jewelery was like 50k to 75k a pop.

Im net positive 500k at least. Probably a considerable amount more since I just rough estimate track.

I don’t think that we are expected to by tokens. I don’t buy them. I don’t think the game is designed to bankrupt us to the point where we need them. No, not one bit.

It’s called adding an expensive mount for 10 million gold and not making repairs so expansive while also nerfing world quests

Which are the majority most likely to do? Buy a 10 million gold mount oooor repair frequently?

So simplest solution, increase repair costs. Nerf world gold gain.

But let’s also not pretend there is still plenty of gold to be earned. There is just less lazy gold gains now.