Why is Gilneas even considered it's own kingdom

When it’s own king spends all his time on all fours licking Stormwind’s king’s boots? If I were a citizen of Gilneas I’d be like “this is my king?” maybe Godfrey was onto something about Genn.


The King of Gilneas hangs out in Stormwind for 2 reasons:

1 - The Forsaken plague rendered Gilneas uninhabitable.

2 - Sylvanas killed Genn’s son and he kinda uses Anduin as a substitute.


well that sounds like his own issue, I’d say Gilneas needs a king more than Anduin needs a lapdog especially now that their 2nd home is gone now too. Where is Crowley he was way cooler character.

You’re ignoring point #1 “Gilneas is uninhabitable” lol

The people of Gilneas were living as refugees in Darnassus and Stormwind.

Then Darnassus burned.

Now the people of Gilneas are mostly living in Stormwind, which is where Genn is.

Things are fine lol


gilneas as land is gone, but it’s people are still alive, so sure NOW his people are with him in stormwind. the biggest issue though is he doesn’t ACT like a king, he acts more like a Baron than a King. No one gave Anduin High king statue, sure Varian had it but I assume that it isn’t just passed down, at that point it just becomes a worse version of warchief considering you can’t even choose the next one. there is no reason Genn should be so completely Anduin focused he just does what ever he says when he says and with a smile on his face. way too submissive to be a king. it would be embarrassing to say someone like that is your leader. as a tauren i know a little something about embarrassing leaders.

Blame the writers, poor things don’t know how to do fantasy politics. Closest they got was back in BFA and they basically messed it up.

anduin: sorry tyrande cant help you save some of your people cause we don’t have enough troops
tyrande: Uhmmm… is that peasants being drafted and is that a huge army?
anduin: YEAH lmao, I’m going to invade the zandalari capital for literally no reason since we LITERALLY have their whole entire fleet of ships rigged to blow with the press of a button lmao.

It’s a miracle they still remember the game is supposed to have factions inside the factions.

Until you get rid of Baine, your words will fall on deaf ears Tauren, set a good example. :kissing:


Gilneas is Forsaken territory!

Bow down before the Dark Lady, Goddess of Death!
For the Forsaken!
Death to the living!

Do you also think it’s time for people to start living in Chernobyl again?

to be fair Baine is a terrible leader, but at least he acts on his own though.

Big problem is what can Genn actually do? He doesn’t have his own land or resources anymore. He’s basically a hobo living off the good graces of Anduin and the citizens of Stormwind. If he gets to yippy Anduin can kick him out along with his people. Genn can’t even retreat back to Darnassus now if that happens. He literally has no where to go lol.

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maybe FIND somewhere else to settle so he can stop being a leech on various alliance cities. I mean you lose your city the first thing you should probably do is build a new one. your people can’t be refugees forever.

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You’re just lucky the Jailor did your dirty work tips hat

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Where though? I suppose he could go up to the Western Plaguelands and carve out a new kingdom there since it’s recovering from the plague, athough with the Forsaken, remnants of the Scarlet Crusade (which are somehow becoming active again) and a few scourge still wandering around that might not be possible. I can’t think of any place on the Eastern Kingdoms that would work unless there is some unknown island they could all move to. Probably have a ton of Murlocs though.

alliance owns literally half the world, there is no where in world they could carve a spot out of for gilneas, how about wetlands, it’s pretty close to their old land and so climate is pretty much same.

I feel like Genn forgets he has another child that probably needs some fathering. Look at Tess lately, she’s gone and joined a gang.


Yeah, that could actually work. Menethil harbor is wrecked and there isn’t anything of any real note there. Not to rich in natural resources but beggars can’t be choosers I suppose haha.

What he really needs to do, instead of getting involved in all these wars, is get his people focused on cleansing Gilneas so they can go back there.

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The real reason Worgen are so unfinished in both story and racials is Blizzard had always been just plain lazy when it comes to Worgen. They spent far too much time on the Gobin and other revamped zones then a month before Cata went live the were like… Oh crap Worgen… Errr… Here have one of the worst models in WoW’s history and we will give you nothing unique. Oh and when we revamp every other core race in the game we will once again forget you exist for at least 10 years. Then they finally give us a model upgrade and nothing else. Hell they will not even give Worgen there own racial banner anymore now we see an alliance banner in its stead.


to be fair i bet goblin zones were just a lot more fun to make simply by nature of what goblins are. i mean how many gilneas “areas” did we get? of course gilneas, then that small area in blasted lands…uh…is there anywhere else?

I really want to see Gilneas become a usable Capital City after all this. It is so damn cool and I really get the steampunk, 19th century London vibes from it.

Please OH PLEASE Blizzard make this a reality.