Why is Faerin a Lothar?!

I was going to say, how do we know that ‘Lothar’ isn’t as common a surname on Azeroth as ‘Smith’, ‘Jones’, ‘Wang’, and ‘Garcia’ are on Earth?

I considered this but then her having the last name Lothar is totally meaningless and we know it can’t be a common surname in Azeroth, because otherwise why would Anduin react like that? If it was commonplace in the Arathi Kingdom or whatever she probably would’ve just said “oh it’s a common name,” .

And it just wouldn’t make much sense from a writing point of view anyway, like if I made a new Star Wars movie and had a character named “Jackson Skywalker,” but he was totally unrelated to Luke or Anakin.

The intention behind the writing clearly wants you to believe she’s distantly related to Anduin Lothar.

Your point is fair, and I also already figured that using the name ‘Lothar’ for a new npc was no coincidence on the writer’s part. I was simply arguing the possibility that Anduin and the others won’t necessarily make such a connection…or at least, a close one.

This is evident in the way Anduin reacts when he learns Faerin’s last name.

There was really no need to have her be a Lothar. She’s so far removed from Anduin as to basically not even be related to him.
It was obviously just a “Hey, remember that big name?” thing, but it wasn’t necessary, since the entire Arathi faction are already that kind of thing.


Justifying your actions based on what someone misconstrued about the story because you couldn’t bother to pay attention to the actual story. Solid stuff.

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Wheel of Time reference? Nice.

That’s what I get from the whole damned thread. Because she is a dark-skinned, disabled NPC with a “Lesbian haircut” (Like REALLY? I can go to my hairstylist and ask for a “Lesbian haircut”???), she’s terrible, horrible and OMGods HOW CAN SHE BE A LOTHAR, ANDUIN’S A WONDERBREAD BOI!!! It’s truly disgusting. And then the person who stated that “the Wrynn line will be mangled soon” or something to that effect - I cannot say how that person ACTUALLY meant this, but given their other posts and the other posts in this thread, it comes across as “Anduin Wrynn is going to marry this dark-skinned girl and they will have a mixed skin-tone child” (where are my pearls???) No one batted an eye when the fair-skinned Moira Bronzebeard married the ashen-toned Dagran Thaurissan (ok, her daddy wasn’t too happy) and she gave birth to HIS mixed skin-toned child. Is it because they are Dwarves & Dwarves are fantasy, while Humans exist in real life too? As I said, this whole outrage over Faerin bearing the Lothar name is disgusting.

Also, for the love of all that is OP, it’s cheated ON his wife, not TO his wife.

Correct. We were told YEARS ago by the Devs (I think it was before Metzen retired, so pre-Legion) that there was still quite a lot of Azeroth the planet we have not yet seen. So no, she’s not a “shoehorn” and she’s not a Lothar to “make players like her”. She’s a Lothar because that is the lore they created for the story they are telling.

“Retcon” is the rewriting of canon lore in a game. How can you POSSIBLY “retcon” BRAND NEW LORE???

Really? Please provide us with the proof that in the past there is canon lore that states Thoradin was an only child. We’ll wait. Again, it’s not a retcon if it is BRAND NEW LORE.

BELIEVED to be, not absolutely, definitely was. There’s a difference.

Still waiting on those sources.

Not really and they didn’t use his death as an excuse. They had an agreement to aid the Lothar bloodline and they fulfilled it. Why in the world would they even have a clue that there might be other members of the family elsewhere? Even if they DID know about the expedition, they’d have assumed them lost at sea as the humans did.

Um… what? As a general rule, when a male marries, his wife takes his surname. Are you suggesting that NO males with the Lothar name were born over the last 2,000 years? We can see from the Human couples in-game that they follow this tradition, so it’s safe to assume those on the expedition would have also. Please, take a glass of something soothing (or a mug, if you prefer a hot beverage) and go sit outside on your porch/patio for a while. Breathe and relax, you’re getting crazy worked up over nothing. And give those pearls a rest, they actually do not like to be clutched.

And this is not incorrect. He WAS the last, in the Eastern Kingdoms. He WAS the last, that everyone on this side of the Sea of Storms knew to their best knowledge. The ship that took Faerin’s ancestors sailed before Anduin Lothar was born and since no one ever heard from them again, it was assumed they had all perished. It’s like when (and honestly, Metzen et al made a HUGE mistake when they stated it was a retcon) everyone got mad about the different story we got from Velen regarding how Sargeras corrupted the Man’ari. That wasn’t a retcon, that was the history DIRECT from one who was present when it occurred (which is what Metzen et al SHOULD have said, but I think they were flustered by the question). Previous to that, we had in-game books & if I am not mistaken, at least one of them was written by Aegwyn, presumably AFTER she’d been infused with Sargeras’ spirit. (It’s been 20 years since I read them…)

Expanding a story is NOT a retcon.

Because the branch she’s a twig on left so long ago. They have no idea what happened back in the Eastern Kingdoms, just like those in the EK had no idea that there were any other human settlements, much less Lothars, anywhere in the world.

Because Anduin knows why his father gave him that name? Because Anduin knows of the Human history on the EK and what a large part of that history Anduin Lothar was?

Because she IS?

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Every Smith on earth is related :eyes:

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Old Lore was passively rewritten by that new lore.

Tides of Darkness, Chapter 3 and 7
The Alliance of Lordaeron
The Seven Kingdoms
The Last Guardian
old Lore article of the warcraft encyclopedia
World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 162

The last two are the most important since they’re no ingame source and therefore no flavor lore.

The term believed wasn’t used.
The previous lore has presented it as a fact.

No. When the lore about Anduin Lothar was written, that was not what the authors meant. It didn’t say “only in the Eastern Kingdoms” or “only as far as anyone knows”. That’s not the story they wanted to tell. He was the last of that Bloodline. Being the last descendant implies that there is no one else. If someone else is added to that bloodline retroactively, he is not the last descendant. The lore has been rewritten.

The “yeah yeah, he’s still the last, but only in the eastern kingdoms” is a ruse. I know that, you know that, Blizzard knows that. Don’t troll me.

This was the lore.
It may appear to be an unrealistic fantasy trope, but this has happened in real life with noble families as well.

A prominent example: The Medici-Dynasty ended with Gian Gastone de’ Medici.

Metzen wrote both the Warcraft III manual and the new lore for the draenei. So it was a retcon, and naming it as such was not a mistake. He explained how and why it came to be. That level of honesty made you feel taken seriously and respected as a fan and customer, even if you disliked the change. The Danuser variant (every lore is flavor lore, unrelieable and just a subjective pov) is nasty trolling and disgusting. Feels like a cliché real estate scam.

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I was born in NY, I moved to Minnesota. My FIL recently passed and we are left trying to get everything organized. One of the steps was to create an estate in his name to pay off debtors. My wife went to the bank and met a guy with the same last name as me. As far as I know, my family never had children in Minnesota… why does this guy even exist?


When you are a subpar writer and you create a character that isn’t strong enough to stand on its own what you do is go back through the franchise’s history and tie your new character no one likes to an old character everyone likes in an attempt to buy sympathy or unearned relevance through that association. That way you don’t have to spend the time trying to build up a new character on your own.


This explains wow writing so well to me

Sometimes people share surnames.

It’s been 1000 years, lots of people would be very distantly related.

Mitakuye oyasin

If you’d actually had paid attention to the lore in hallowfall theyre entirely different branches of the family dude. The Lothars Faerin comes from left Arathi hundreds of years ago with the Arathi Empire.


What is even more interesting is that the live action movie, they turned Anduin’s grandmother into a black women. Funny how all three characters in that movie, Anduin Lothar, His sister who plays the queen and the king are all friends irl and they are always in shows together on AMC. From Preacher to The Black Bag, they work a lot together.

I mean, I did find it interesting. Because of the very real fact that the Lothar family line still exists and Faerin is considered the black sheep of the family. So that tells me more about the family line than about her, and while she is sweet, that might be something they look down on.

I can’t wait to see the other Lothar’s. I mean, Anduin Lothar was already a beast and Faerin is no joke either. I wonder how strong the family bloodline truly is.

Faerlin Lothar is a character poorly written for the purpose of political activism. I don’t mind Blizzard coming up with new characters and developing their stories,(and they used to be really good at it) but they have clearly been out of touch for years now, which is really sad. This rabid obsession with gender, race, gynocentrism, kills the soul of Warcraft, IMO.


Ah yes, my dear one-post-alt friend. Next, I suppose you’ll be posting about your deteriorating testosterone levels or some other hullabaloo.