Why is everyone so optimistic?

Blizzard listens to the fans cmon. I mean we got diablo immortal right! Who didnt want that!

The sarcasm here is deep.

I will either enjoy classic or I won’t play it. Optimism doesn’t come into the equation. It’s a product like any other.


I’ll admit, I am a little nervous about how it will turn out when all is said and done, but we’ll see. Why not be optimistic? So far things seem to be shaping up well, and we’ve got about half a year until we’re expecting the game to drop.

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because who cares

I mean, if they don’t make it appeal to the people who want Vanilla, it will fail and they’ll lose all that time and money they spent working on it.

Why are you such a pessimist, OP?

Thank you!

I think it will. Her reactions to no mount until 40 was hilarious. Not that she’s shying away from it, but it was one of those “Walked to school in the snow uphill both ways” type of moments. LOL