Why is everyone ready for endgame?

It just annoys me a little. You have this entire game world to enjoy, and all most of you care about is climaxing. What about questing and non-raid instances, and starting as a Horde Rogue and going all the way around the world to go get a Defias Mask? Why don’t people want to enjoy Classic and have some fun?

I guess I just really hate competition and when people eat all of the snacks and whine that they’re hungry, lol.


You just defined a generation. It’s not about the journey but the destination for them. They want to be top dog, call the shots, and have all the best stuff with no experience or effort.


I wonder if part of it is that they have to be the best. Have to get the best in slot, which means raiding, which means getting to 60 asap.

That’s my guess, anyway; it’s an alien mentality to me. There’s no real way to be the best, just the same as everyone else, who took the same talents, got the same gear, picked the same race for racials.

Oh well. Play and let play. That’s my motto.


I think it more that the modern game has instilled a belief that the only game is at endgame. Personally I am more than happy to allow those types to zoom past, complete that stuff, get accolades from those who actually care, and go back to bfa.


Because after playing for 15 years we finally are prepared. :sunglasses:


I will be taking my sweet time and enjoying the open world.
experience has taught me that, if I want to enjoy the game, I can’t ever be driven by gear, or put myself in a position where I am obligated in any way.

and I won’t be conflicted one bit.


Because the first time, I did took my time and hit level 60 in about a year. This time, I’d like to complete an unfinished task which is to progress a bit more in the end game raiding.


Endgame? I keep fantasizing about hiking through Teldrassil all day picking every flower I see!


Bliz explained it years ago with the doughnut. In the middle are these players who push the envelope. They go for the best gear, macros, strategies, and are the influences.
Everyone else is the outer ring of that doughnut looking in at those players and aspiring to be like those players.
This all started many many moons ago. That warrior that had Thunderfury. That scarab lord. Players like Angwe and Booms. People want their shot at that notoriety this time around.
Let em go for it. That whole mentality only affects you if you let it. Nothing wrong with it. Nor is there anything wrong with taking your time. Your game. Play how you want to play.
However. I do believe there’s a fear that classic end game will have a shelf life and some just don’t want to miss the raiding scene this time.
We will see how pops shake out and exactly what kind of dedicated player base there is a year or two in.
Find a guild and help it grow/remain stable.


@Leaf: Why would you spend all day picking flowers when you already have the most beautiful one?

@Thread: I’m ready to make at least 3 alts and take an embarrassingly long time to get my first level 30. Really want to eventually do endgame dungeons and casual raiding, but I’m in no rush.


Everyone can enjoy the game in their own way. You will be surprised how many different ways of playing and enjoying people have. Just raiding is what people talk about.
You cant be pissed off at people who are just playing and not bothering you

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People have fun different ways - ur way of having fun isnt better than anyone elses, its classic, its a large expansive world - ur experiences arent the streamline to fun so get over urself


Raiding is my journey.


Yes, it may be more of a generational thing or a certain type of player that thrives on pushing to the end as quickly as possible.

Honestly I think you will find a lot of higher quality guilds that will enjoy the journey and do just as well if not better than most of the guilds pushing to end game right away.

I played when the game first came out and watched guilds burn out so fast with this “rush to endgame” mindset, but again, to each their own.


Some people like to raid.

The guild I’m in won’t be pushing for super-fast leveling or anything, but on the other hand, we won’t be going slow either. I can level an alt for farming and take my sweet time.

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A lot people are back to sew their oats. Which why i think the longevity of classic relies on retail.

When the MMO genre exploded in popularity it brought in legions of gamers from other genres; notably sports and action games. These crowds typically have higher rates of focus on winning and social recognition than the typical nerdy MMOer of yesteryear.


I don’t agree with the people saying it’s generational… It has far more to do with what you find enjoyment in. For some people all the stories and lore is what draws them, others are attracted to the atmosphere of a large coordinated group, some want to feel accomplishment by seeing a number go up consistently so they play the AH, etc, etc.

To give you an example when I play PoE I want to grind the monsters to get the gear to farm the high end maps so every new league I power through the story in 7 or so hours (never claimed I was super fast) skipping some quests and such. My friend (a year older than myself) takes like 15+ hours to get through the story because he fully explores every map, listens to all the quest text, and never skips a quest. He does this every league before joining the rest of us mapping. We just enjoy different aspect of the game.

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There will be folks who want to get to where they left off as quickly as possible, to continue working on those end raids. Remember, TBC launch squelched most reasons to continue with Vanilla raiding.

There will be folks who are coming from pservers who have done all the questing content for years already and just want to push through on an official server.

There will be other folks who will enjoy stopping and smelling the Peacebloom. Personally, I am looking forward to just fishing quietly in the vast Vanilla world that I’ve been away from for over a decade.

The beauty of Classic is there are is plenty to do for folks of all interests/play speeds.


That’s a horrible analogy. Everyone knows the best part of a donut, that defines its looks, flavor, and texture is the ring.

The center is literally air. Nothing. Who wants to be a donut hole when you can be a donut?