Thank goodness for mute button.
I did think it was expensive for a re-master, but I wasn’t really surprised and I already pre-ordered it
2.666 WoW tokens
Oh goody, can’t wait to see how they will mess this one up. /pessimism.
To be fair, that’s pretty much how Remakes go, i mean their pretty much a new game, it just happened to be an old game with a new engine, graphics, majorly improved QoL and so on. Sort of like Spyro Reignited Trilogy.
Surface level, yes, it is a reskin. But that game was pretty much using 2D sprites at the time, so it’s more then just a reskin underneath.
I understand $60 (or $70 for the “”““next gen””“” pieces of jokeware that being Playstation 5 and Xbox 4) is too much and i wouldn’t blame you for not wanting to pay that, especially after the Warcraft 3 reforged launch and pretty bad remake overall, i think they would be better off charging it for $30 and offer 4 mounts for WoW and Diablo 3.
I obviously do want the devs to improve on their mistakes in that game, and make a better game next time, but i think charging a lot of money upfront is going to make people wary about the last time they did a remake.
Okay, minor pet peeve, you keep calling it a remaster. It’s not really a remaster, it’s a remake.
Remaster refers to changing the quality of the sound or of the image, or both, of previously created recordings, either audiophonic, cinematic, or videographic.
Or in the case of Spyro, 2/3. (PS1 Games retailed at $40, Spyro Remake was $40, and it’s based off 3 games on the PS1)
Hmm. It is in the clearance isle at my store for 24.99. Does not seem too bad. They also got overwatch for 10.00
I already own the original, I can wait for a sale.
This is my small hope is that the remaster is moddable and MedianXL transfers to that.
The better question is, why are they doing it?
Leave the classics alone.
Guess you didn’t learn a lesson from the WC3:Refunded fiasco…
I had to pay full price for Metroid 2 remake, even WW HD cost a full price and that was a resolution polish with a couple minor system changes
So thankful I waited. Will never be on my list of owned games.
They took a page out of Nintendo’s book.
I didn’t buy that since I had no interest in it.
I also haven’t had to buy anything on
with real money in several years since I had a lot of WoW gold and just buy tokens with gold.
I bought D2R, used 3 of the 10 tokens I had in my inventory to get back to
balance cap, then bought 3 more tokens so I’d be sitting on max tokens again.
I still love Nintendo. I guess my inner kid always will.
You can’t reason with a zealot. Explaining it to you would be a waste of text and time. That said I will not be pre-ordering it. I want to see the final product, Blizzard’s word and promises aren’t good enough after what went down with Warcraft III.
At a minimum it needs to able to be played offline else I am better served sticking with the original Diablo 2, and GoG’s stuff. At least there it’s stuff which I still own the CDs to and can be sure cannot be arbitrarily cancelled due to the whims of some random mod-man, simply because they had an ideological axe to grind, or because he or she decided that X topic on any given day was now deemed controversial or inappropriate. Case and point. The Blitzchung matter.
Private games with Passwords are also a must.
All in all, none of this is over the top in requesting. It’s only what we had in the original Diablo II. Moreover with how things are today, I am very reluctant to cede any control over my single gaming time to any private company. So asking for security for my purchase is not a bad thing.
Not to mention that after what happened with Warcraft III Reforged, I will most definitely also want assurances that the game won’t try to rewrite my old game with the new version. All of these are big issues I’ll need answers to before I consider buying anything.
that’s what I though. All bark, no bite.
Interesting you mention Nintendo, who put out Remasters at $60.
name one that’s just a plain hd remaster for 60
only game that cost 60 and well deserving that I know of is links awakening, but that’s literally a whole new redeveloped game from the ground up, as it’s from a literal gameboy game to a full fledged 3D title.
The more disappointing part about it for me is that they’re charging that much and yet don’t seem to be bothering with a Mac version, which makes absolutely no sense for a few reasons:
- Blizz has supported Macs as a first class citizen right alongside Windows PCs since the early 90s all the way through the late 10s, original DII included
- Diablo II, even remastered, is not a demanding title and doesn’t need crazy graphical horsepower
- It’s the easiest it’s ever been to port games to macOS right now, with Metal closely resembling DirectX 12 and Vulkan in design, to the point that there’s libraries that will adapt Vulkan to Metal with almost no performance hit
- Blizz already have one of the best Mac/Metal game engines in the industry in WoW to pull code from
- Mac hardware is becoming massively more powerful with the M-series CPUs, trouncing Intel and matching AMD in terms of bang for TDP
- There are more Macs in use now than there ever have been
I mean they ported it to the Nintendo Switch for pete’s sake, and that thing is at best on par with a 2016 model iPad. Even the MacBook Air has a few times more oomph than a Switch both in CPU and GPU, so this isn’t a capability thing.
Sorry for venting, but everything about the decision screams cheapskate on levels a company with the scale and resources of Blizzard has no excuse for. It’d take the salaries of 1-2 engineers to get this thing ported — a pittance relative to how much this will be raking in — but that was too much to ask. I have a decent windows box and console to play things without ports on, but this is just slimy in principle.
They won’t. Your characters won’t expire anymore.
For the same reason DLC is always so overpriced. Because they are preying on fanboys who will pay anything for more of the game they love.