Literally the price of a completely new game…
I can understand paying full price for a remastered game such as WC3 Reforged, as regardless of how bad it was, it was a redeveloped game, essentially remade from the ground up…
However Diablo II is literally just a reskin, other than updated models and textures (essentially a new coat of paint) and features to bring it up to date with modern, etc. it clearly doesn’t appear to be a redeveloped and intensive project like WC3 was.
So as a result, the price of entry equivalent to a new game, for a game that many already own for just a HD remaster seems ludicrous to me… Even greedy companies whose games always sell for the fullest retail price, charges 1/2 for it’s HD remasters of classic 2D titles turned into even 3D remakes compared to what Blizzard is asking.
Even Starcraft Remaster was only 15 bucks when it came out.
MedianXL and Path of Diablo are free if you own D2: LoD.
New assets? It’s going from 2d sprites to 3d. Big differences.
no different than some nintendo remakes as i mentioned, plenty that went from classic 2d nes/snes games, to being 3d remasters on the 3ds or switch for 1/2 the price blizzard wants for their remaster…
Way different, and if you’d ever worked on video games you would know that.
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You know, since this game is already 2 decades old, you can wait 6 months and get it half price on one of the Blizzard sales.
Nintendo remasters not remakes.
Not that you care, you wanna be mad. So enjoy.
as stated again, no different than the 2d to 3d remasters that nintendo and countless other developers do
Yeah it is. Sorry you can’t see that.
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Then explain how is blizzard’s remaster different than when other developers remaster a game from 2d assets and world to 3d assets and world?
Definitely not worth the price and after WC3 I would DEFINITELY NOT PREORDER IT.
Wait until it is out please don’t be dumb.
Idk but it looks better than D3 could of ever hoped to have been
Wrong in so many levels.
The graphics in D2 remastered look atrocious. It looks like it doesn’t belong in 2021. It looks like a cheap chinese rip off of D3. I would get an eyesore if I were to play it for 5 mins.
They definitely should have reduced price if you already own D2/Expansion, I saw the $40 price tag and also thought it wouldn’t be worth it just for a few hours of reminisce. Maybe they wont auto delete characters that haven’t logged in for 3 weeks now lol…
Are you seriuos?
Man,iwould like to pre order diablo 2, but i will be cautios this time. I dont want another reforged-like fiasco
Then don’t? This remake actually looks well done and fitting to the style unlike Reforged.
Because they know fanboys will pay. Wait a few months and it will go on sale 50% off.
I don’t like that updating Blizzard’s old products and reselling them seems to be Blizzard’s current model. Except Rock N’ Roll Racing, that is fine to remaster and charge $60 for.
Because Diablo 2 was the original Blizzard Entertainment’s best game and they know it will sell. They could charge $100 and suckers like me will gladly hand over the cash. They just better not mess it up like they did WC3: Reforged!