Why is dh damage disgusting atm?

warriors and dhs are both at least A tier melee so y’all are arguing for no reason


Being a dh doesn’t make you immortal.

You still have to press your other abilities

That dh didn’t press his other abilities.

shhhh u had me at killing

actually the most empowering thing ive ever known, is putting whatever clever into face and getting stuff squared away. its like, should have but didn’t all empowerment

i mean, this isn’t even sarcastic, u just said this unironiclly and unsarcasticlly, ur trying to help aren’t you? harhar

Literally spelling out what I already said


Well, yes.

Yeah but he literally has a point.

There’s so much counterplay to DH right now, and generally their talent tree sucks to the point that they don’t have access to what they really need to be able to deal with most things.

Yeah, they do high damage at the end of the game, but that damage doesn’t matter if they’re forced to play games the opposite way they need to play.

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would rather fight 2 dh at once than fight a disgusting warlock srs

OP always making post about other classes but never his own. Can’t take responsibility for his own actions on why hes lost his 2100 already.

Warriors are just as fried as DH, except warriors do a lot more oppressive ST damage.

DH is top damage when it’s melee cleaves or Pet classes cause of the AOE.


So i lost a game. So what? Its easy to get back.

But also im smelling some mad jealousy right there
You wish you had your shadowflame enchant

Just wait until Tuesday, Havoc is getting a 15% buff to most of their abilities. =P

Just tell him to hit the shaman.

put the cup down girla lol

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such tenacity yet such empathy.

That was last Tuesday. It was for class tuning not patch.

Weird flex but okay try again.

I’d hit you in arena but we’d never cross paths.


I like their dmg.

Ooops, couldn’t remember if that was a hotfix or patch, apologies.

Wow sucio. We played 2s together once. I’m hurt.

But seeing as how we’re around the same shuffle rating, yes we would. And if I played 3s more, again yes we would.

sounding like some ele dh x

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