Why is dh damage disgusting atm?

Every dh does about 2-3x more damage than anyone in my games

Like 20-30k per hit eye beams and apparently never ending metamorphs

A MASSIVE nerfs in order


Just cc is and kill us three seconds…not like we have anything to help us from that


u sound like rocky without montage

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Netherwalk moment

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Rocky wishes he was me

And just wait for nether to fall off and kill us then. Not like we can attack you or do anything except run a little faster

Nether falls off…

Oops haha i pressed my figher jet ability and im now 20000 miles in the sky that has a 20 sec cd haha


Storm bolt is in the air. It is possible to cc us in reign. Even though it shouldn’t be.

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You fly higher than a sb lmao

So now we gotta stand there and wait for you to fall down to sb

I really don’t know if I should take this as legit or just trolling. Because assuming you have a 70 war…you are pretty much melting everything right now. And God forbid you have a decent caster with you.


Dawg youre legit hardstuck 300 and you want to say im trolling? You have never saw anything above 1800 and these little helpful hints you are telling me doesnt seem to help yourself in the arena with your 20% wr

With over 700 games played btw

And your posting on a level 40 warrior…

I’m ready to be judged!

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Add another y to the name and there you go. Stalk all you want

Actually…I’m already bored with this interaction

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Your avatar

Wow so you make a bunch of sassy “i saw this on a youtube video of a bracket im nowhere near gameplay tip” comments and i tell you that you dont even follow your own tips

and you waddle away

Spell reflect when you chicken out and are up in the sky hitting your emergency button, coward come down and face me you dh

DH is literally dead last on any streamer Tier List you watch rn but keep trolling buddy

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isnt that mostly because of lack of defenses though? The war was complaining about damage…


The damage sux too

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