Why is Convoke not being addressed?

Please look up “opportunity cost”.

The way I see it if a druid is allowed to even cast convoke on you then you probably deserve to die from it. What do you want them to do with it? Have them make the druid only cast wrath and moonfire? Convoke is a covenant ability with a 2 minute cooldown. Its supposed to hit hard. If you want to talk about things being address in PvP how about rogues that can literally stun lock you to death or hunters that can delete your health bar with aim shot? There is nothing wrong with convoke. Focus druids harder and you won’t die to it.


Let me aimed shot you while you convoke me. $20 says I die with you at half health.

There’s lots of abilities with a 2m CD that aren’t even 10% as ridiculous as convoke. It’s a total outlier and everyone knows it. Its obviously stupid to have an ability in your back pocket that’s basically: if you ever don’t cc me literally instantly I will global you from range. lol

Please read the rest of my response where I say he doesn’t get to do that with talents, but not do that with covenants.

Oh man your 11s CD spell isn’t as strong as my 2min CD? pikachu face

You’re the one that wanted to compare convoke and aimed shot

Ok, I say that they should change the Necrolord ability for Warriors into one that allows you to instantly kill a target with Charge every five minutes. But this is fine because you can stun them before they Charge. :+1:

True that. When I first tester covenants I was concerned should I choose Covnoke just because it was interruptible. Fact is it can be easy interrupted. If and I repeat if you literally pre time it. After I choose covnoke I made sure to burst it . And with burst sometimes I would be interrupted in 1vs3 scenario, but still two player would die . Especially if they have low health.

I follow streamers and they usually run the most op spec at the moment for gladiator. And oh boy how everyone is choosing balance druids

Ironically that’d probably be more balanced because you have to close melee range. lol

Nerf fire mage

If you let me convoke you then you deserve to die from it. Counter shot?

Moving the goalposts now I see. Your statement was to talk about aimed shot instead of convoke.

Wrong. I meant what I said. If you get hit by convoke you deserve to die from it. You gotta be quick on your game in pvp. Can aim shot even be interrupted?

When you want to make sure that it’s 100% clear to everyone that you have NO idea what you’re talking about.

Don’t convoke while they still have kick? Baiting kicks is hard.

It literally hits like a wet noodle now.

No it doesn’t. lol Last time I did a bg aim shot was hitting me pretty hard. I don’t care if you don’t think I know what I’m talking about. There is so much bias talk here about what needs to be changed in this game its beyond ridiculous.

Nah you tried to deflect from convoke to make it about rogues or aimed shot then it’s about I should interrupt convoke when that wasn’t the point. I replied to you trying to change the topic to something else because anything to keep the heat off your precious.

Jokes on you. I don’t care about PvP anymore. XD

I do know that something you can probably only cast 1 time in an arena before it ends that has the chance to kill you is not a problem and doesn’t need to be changed. If you really want my opinion on pvp in general then I think there should be no ability that does more than 25% of your health in damage regardless of the circumstance. How about that? :slight_smile:

That I can agree with, along with healers not being able to solo two dps.

You’re clueless. Double Tap got nerfed. Aim Shot is weak. There is no bias. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.