Why is Convoke not being addressed?

Except I am literally referring to the screenshots that OP has posted.

Convoke is obviously overpowered and can kill someone in less than half a second.

You have no legs to stand on since you’re a 1550 player who has little to no experience in PvP at all.

Your honor level is 14, and you want to tell people how PvP actually is? Are serious or are you trolling now? You’ve barely even PvP’d at all to begin with.

yep still full of it. I will give OP credit yet still say .2 sec it’s not happening as I understand how fast .2 is.

And while we are talking about experience, maybe you should hush up with less experience than my achieves and I sat out almost the entirety of BFA. I have not been really involved in pvp until the last week or so. I got a hunter that has more honor kills that your entire account. Also I use to have 3 accounts there big guy which 2 have been deactivated for many years.

I mean you can continue to make up excuses as to why you’re an inexperienced and low rated player, that is fine. :slight_smile: It does not change the fact that you have little to no understanding of how PvP actually is… since you haven’t bothered to even participate in it in the first place.

What do you mean .2 sec is not happening when it’s literally happening in OP’s screenshots? You’re obviously trolling here now and have no idea of what you’re even talking about since you have no experience in PvP.

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Just like your excuses on knowing something about boomkins. with your 1550 rating like mine huh but wanting to call someone out. Hell even this account have 3 times the pvp achievements your does, yet you think you are an amazing player. Sadly your not and still full of it.

Except I’ve been 2200 consistently across multiple seasons and expansions… what’s your point?

Convoke is still broken and OP has proved this. :slight_smile:

Your achievements say otherwise :thinking: yep still full of it

Marksman actually is not so good at pvp, survival is the way to go, and yet survival deals least damage.

Pvp is broken this season same it was in legion. Night fae is by far the most op covenant for almost , almost every class. And blizzard made that for specific reason (so everyone can experience their story because it has allot different things in it that are not game related, but just to satisfy every side )


You were saying? :slight_smile:

I was saying you armory says otherwise, still full of it but carry on. I got work to do so enjoyed it.

It’s not bad a** it’s gonna definitely be top most broken ability in wow history. Like brooooooookenly brooooooooken. I didn’t notice that until I started to world
Pvp with my Druid while leveling and saving console just for players.

And if they are really good they my survive with turtle or bubble. And my dudu is 52

Oh for sure it’s broken, but it definitely is perhaps the coolest class ability available; 16 spells in 4 seconds lol, what in the world are these people thinking.


Just look at that list for Balance lol, you could get smacked with 3 different moons if RNG aligned up correctly.

It’s like dropping Yog in Hearthstone; just watch the shenanigan’s fly but with none of the drawbacks.


Very first clip. Grounding totem - not used. Nether Ward - Not used. Derpy enhance shaman running waaaaaay up with no support and using no CDs when 2 people pop all theirs? Check.

Convoke is strong. Combust is strong. Ascendance is strong. If you like play like an idiot, a burst meta will punish you HEAVILY for it. Games end quick. You can not like the meta, but it’s not a convoke driven meta. Nobody played double boomkin in the AWC because it simply doesn’t work.

By no means does that mean convoke sucks. It’s an awesome and VERY powerful CD when combined with incarnation. But nobody in the upper levels of PvP just pops it from stealth. And you’re far from helpless if it goes off.

That is one of the most ridiculous conspiracies I’ve seen suggested on these forums …

The devs are simply terrible at balancing, plain and simple, and are completely incapable of accepting constructive criticism. Some of their decisions in SL even suggest that they don’t actually understand the classes they are designing things for, such as various classes that have useless anima powers in Borghast (many of my Frost DK powers are for unpruned abilities that have no place on my actionbar ever, such as Death Coil), or the various covenant class abilities that are almost useless.


You should never use your defensive just so you wouldn’t die at full health. If you have to do that it means something is wrong.

Major defensive cldw are used usually when you getting in critical percentage of your health. Not at 100% where you have to use it just not to die instantly.

No other class has such advantage like Druid that can go stealth , and use one shoot ability from range to nuke down a player

You don’t know how to read a persons cheeve history??? LOL …goodness, you are worse than I first suspected.

Um. You’re wrong. It can absolutely be LoS’d. And you can’t purge it, but it’s kickable/stunable/fearable/etc. Which is far more pervasive than buff removal (which btw mages all roll trium legendary so GL purge their combust. This is why Mage vs mage runs klepto with cancel auras)


This is my issue. No it didn’t. That was a full 4s convoke and CDew was still alive. The followup SS killed him. And that’s ONLY because he ran back through the solar beam and was silenced so he couldn’t heal himself those 4s, and because he thought he could LoS it and not have to pop his bubble there. He didn’t respect the CD and he took the full channel + some hot SS. It absolutely did not global him. And if a healer isn’t going to die during 4+ seconds of silence not using CDs against a DPS layering their 2 strongest… when should they die?

Fear. Horrify. Greater Fade. Pain suppress. Be by a team mate that can support you if a druid is still in stealth somewhere (seriously, if you were out of LoS and not near anyone what stops rogue smokebomb from killing you too?)

Sounds like an OP class vs OP class. I think he just is better than you if you lost.

IF only the feral convoke even competed with the Boomy one lol

This is wrong on so many levels and especially untrue of a shaman vs balance druid. You grounding convoke. It eats the ENTIRE convoke. It eats every spell after it’s put down even if the convoke is already going.

ALSO Netherward is a 45s CD and grounding is a 30s CD. Not exactly “Major” defensives. And you’re trading it for a 2min + 3min CD.