Why is Convoke not being addressed?

Anyone who thinks it doesn’t need nerfed is delusional. It’s pure BS. That doesn’t mean other stuff doesn’t need changed (like the ridiculous Hunter covenant to shoot through walls, whoever added that needs fired from their job) though.

And what make pvp stale?

normally I’d say line the convoke 4head cus thats what every fotm destro lock told me during 8.3
but lmao
you can’t line channeled spells once they start
they finish even behind walls
dunno why that’s okay when one channel can literally do 30k

Well, the thing is, its instantly killing my pet, so I pretty much just turtle the second I see it. Twice now it’s killed my pet as my pet was MOVING to the target to stun them. That’s a fraction of a second we are talking and the pet is dying. In a couple other games I have harpooned to it to kick and died midair or even after I kicked. Logs show kick was successful. Still dead.

So the best option is honestly just to turtle instantly. Even when I have had that mindset, I have still died in the first .3-.5s of coming out of stealth. Like I would literally have to come out of stealth and immediately turtle if the boomi opens.

making me regret maining surv for pvp
my pet falls over like instantly from passive aoe cleave during random bgs, makes me kinda sad

I can confirm Convoke is absolutely crazy in PvP at the moment. I can use it as a spot heal using resto affinity, it can be a crazy nuke when lining someone after a CC.

What I’m worried about is them further nerfing PvE elements of that class.

Note they have already nerfed some of the strategy for convoke. Before you could get 4 critical Starsurges off but now it’s unlikely after they nerfed ‘Balance of all things’. Before that they nerfed it again towards the end of September where they reduced the number of spells cast.

As much as it saddens me to see it changed I hope if they do make changes they’re PvP only. The downside is that Balance doesn’t have a whole lot going for it other than actually lining that 3 min CD either.

I’m enjoying it. There are a few things that need to happen though for the spec to excel. Mostly pet survival and some buffs to our covenants.

That said, a lot of nerfs still need to happen. Convoke obviously. Warrior damage in D-stance is broke. I’m fine with warriors doing good damage, but there has to be a trade off. Ret wings are to much given they can proc them. Enhance venthyr ability is rediculous.

That said, if they just touched on convoke, the game would be much better off in the short run.

Adroi is it’s possible to make a video of it in action. I certainly have seen it in action killing people and yes it makes defending a post solo pretty sweet (point in question I was defending Quarry and popped a potion and trinket and killed someone) but I can say after the changes to the legendary the example you have given in your OP isn’t something that can be easily replicated by just any Night Fae Balance druid.

Happened several times :S first to celestial alignment, then to the buff convoke got from covenant conduit, then recently to the best legendary and starfall.

I could, but there honestly isn’t much to see. It happens very fast. I either have to instantly pop turtle or I pretty much die. Trying to kick it is to slow, unless i’m already on them in melee range. Even that, the first cast is instant and if it happens to be starsurge, it can still be enough to take me half health.

Here’s my favorite screenshot.


I came out of stealth to stun the the rogue that had opened on my healer. In the .5s I came out of stealth, the druid used convoke and I died.

I would have had to of turtled in the first .3s of coming out of camo. Fun times.

Roar of sacrifice should hard counter that. Basically the Druid is counting on the crit chance from legendary+ Damage boost in celestial alignment (assuming they have incarn this is crit) + hoping that they get full moon and Starsurges on you.

Basically the same as firemage in combustion. Godlike damage but then a wet noodle for a few minutes.

It should, but the damage is instant. Even if .5-.6s of the cast goes off, it’s enough to kill someone. The thing is, lots of them are playing with rogues to setup. The rogue alone is enough to pull trinkets, so the next stun you’re dead, even if my priest has painsup available.

The fact it can instantly gib my pet as well is just crazy. I get that there is RNG with it, but with proper setup, you can just destroy any target.

Combust is good damage, but It’s also easy to sac. The mage is still global locked for damage. Convoke is condensing 16 casts into 4s of casting which circumvents the gcd. That really ruins the pacing of the game in my opinion. How we react to stuff is based around that timing. So to have so much damage that is on its own clock essentially, really breaks the fundamentals of good play and good design overall in arena.

It’s just so funny that a decade ago they didn’t want warriors having heroic strike because of it being off global. Now… now they are fine with abilities and massive procs that happen outside of global and are completely unpredictable.


As someone who plays Boomkin I do kill people but I can assure you that what happened to you would be an RNG miracle.

If it was replicatable then it would be further nerfed than what it was. I’d be more than happy to test with you (just travelling at the moment).

I’m totally down for PvP changes if it is something that is consistently a problem. I appreciate the kind discourse you’ve displayed in this thread.

I hear ya but, it’s happened a lot. Not a few times. We are still trying to figure out the best approach and the only thing reliable is to use every major defensive. Attempting to kick it usually leaves me dead.

If they could take out the gimmicky nature of it, then great. This season could easily be one of the best once a bit more tuning happens and I really don’t want to see anyone nerfed to hard. As it stands though, these kinds of abilities just make the game unenjoyable and are seriously deflating when you’re losing to RNG, just like corruptions in BFA.

The funny part is where resto druids are doing damage as if they were ferals with the feral afinity and convoke… 4-5k bites with no counter plays.

As far as I see, there’s only 1 balance druid in the top 100 in 2v2 on the ladder, where Convoke is strongest (rank 69, not even top 50). I’m pretty sure there were 0 boomkins in the top 100 the other day when I checked. Source: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/pvp/leaderboards/2v2 )

Convoke is pretty broken but it’s gimmicky and has a bunch of counters. I was screwing around in 2s and deleting people in a goofy comp last week, but when you hit 1500+ (which is nothing), suddenly people start interrupting it and countering it pretty easily.

If you nerf it, what do you suggest as compensation buffs for Balance in PVP?

Am I missing something or are there literally 0 moonkins in the top 100 in 3v3s on the ladder right now? https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/pvp/leaderboards/3v3 .

It’s one of the least represented specs at the high end. Convoke is goofy but if you remove it or nerf it, Boomy needs buffs because even with it its looking like one of the least represented specs at higher end arena right now. I’d like to see a breakdown of how they are doing at lower ranks but I’m not going to dig through all those pages.

Letting the cast go off was the mistake.

2s, or even the ladder in general, is a very bad measure for strength of a single ability. If anything, it just shows how boomkins are one trick ponies right now and likely need help in other areas. If your spec is propped up on one ability, you know it won’t be long before you get benched when that change happens.

For now, I’m not sure they need compensation. If people are interrupting you that quickly, then you just need to setup better and try to force trinkets outside of Convoke. I would rather see the spell get its damage reduced by as much as 50% to start, then see what happens. They could make it so it could be kicked and had to be stunned or something like that.

Considering there are 4-5 specs that need to be nerfed right now, it’s hard to say how the change would affect then without also nerfing the other outliers.

I agree 2s isn’t the best measure of an ability but it’s stronger in 2s than 3s because the damage is less likely to be spread out among extra targets. Maybe that explains why there is 1 Balance Druid in the top 100 in 2s, but none in the top 100 in 3s.

I argue the fact that there do not seem to be many Balance druids in the higher ranks of PVP in both 2s and 3s, despite Druid being one of if not the most popular classes in the game, that it probably needs some buffs in other areas, even if you left Convoke untouched. And I am not totally against the idea of nerfing it (at least in PVP), because it is pretty gimmicky, but unlike the Rogue combos, it is fairly easy to avoid.

It’s a 4 second channeled cast that can be interrupted in multiple ways, the range is limited (shorter than the actual cast range of the spells, something like 31 yards), the spells that are cast are thrown out at random, the targets the spells choose are random, and the damage can be diluted by other targets including pets that are in range of it. The spells are weighted so that the most powerful ones have a higher chance of coming out later during the cast. There’s quite a fair bit of counter play to it, despite it being powerful when all the things line up.

I personally argue Balance needs some buffs in PVP, at least in the small scale arena setting, or 3s in general. I am not a huge fan of crutch moves for classes in WoW, so if Convoke needs to be nerfed or removed for other aspects of Moonkin to be fixed, I’m fine with that. Convoke is pretty fun to use, though, so it would be a shame to make it worthless. The Kyrian covenant ability is boring and the other covenant abilities are all mediocre. Convoke is the most entertaining ability I’ve seen added to Moonkin in years, besides maybe Full Moon.

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seems like they nerfed the biggest fault with it the casting it out of stealth BS so now there is actually time to counter and stop the cast