Already was. Do you play the game? I also play survival. Tell me more about how my spec is broken. I’ll wait.
I do. You’re defending this? It usually instantly kills my pet. They aren’t rare. It’s a 2 minute CD that can be up multiple times in a single match. EVERY boomkin we have faced so far is playing it.
I use the ability on cd in raid. I’ve definitely seen more casts of it than you ever will as a hunter in arena. Its like 1 Full Moon every 5-7 uses of the ability. And I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had it cast Full Moon more than once in the 4s window this entire expansion.
I think Ret is good but I don’t think it’s “Broken” anymore. Don’t even ask my opinion on tanks in arena because if it was up to me they wouldn’t be allowed to queue up lmao. They just aren’t fun to play against
I highly doubt anyone is asking for it to be gutted but not being able to react to incoming damage in time to counter or save yourself isn’t healthy gameplay
I have a bunch of screenshots of myself or my teammate dying in the first seconds of the match. I have a screenshot, with timestamps of me kicking it in the first .7s of the cast and still dying to a starsurge. Do you get that? You obviously don’t because you don’t do arena or PvP in general or you would understand the issue.
I died in the first .5s of a match because I didn’t instantly turtle when the boomkin came out. Do you get that? .5s man. I was hit by two spells and died.
That’s clueless. You have literally no idea what’s happening and the fact you actually think its rare is laughable. Stop trying to contribute to a topic when you clearly have NO idea what the problem is.
I’m only asking for a PvP nerf for an obviously broken ability.
3 minute cooldown, that can be interrupted, doing lots of damage? How could this be happening!
Without convoke, what does boomkin even have in arena? Their dots are like 10% of their damage, and their hard casts hit like wet noodles outside of an obvious eclipse window. Contrast with rogues, which can still 100 to 0 you inside of their perma stun nonsense.
Do you want the screenshot of me interrupting it in .7s and still dying? Harpoon has a travel time so I couldn’t do it faster and I had already used my pet stun on the rogue.
Also, It’s a 2 minute CD.
And… rogues got nerfed man. Where you been?
Not even close to overpowered? People are instantly dying. My partner was hit for a 23k full moon yesterday in the first fraction of a second. I don’t want it nerfed in PvE. I only want reasonable PvP nerfs.
It’s obvious you do no PvP, which is fine. I want reasonable changes, not for boomkins to get gutted. It’s doing any insane amount of damage. Even if you react in less then a half second, that can still be to slow.
Look man, this isn’t how you make the game better. If you have an issue with rapid fire, make a post about it. I have done more then 200 games and have yet to see an MM hunter do anything special with rapid fire. The damage isn’t instant and it’s also not good.
The ask to nerf one ability isn’t asking to gutter boomkins. Convoke is clearly broke and there is ample evidence of that and I can provide you plenty.
So feel free to make your own post citing proof that rapidfire is broke. Seriously. If you think it’s a problem, bring it up… But don’t start this ‘whatabout’ argument. More then one thing can be busted and they all can get fixed. I don’t play MM, but I also have NEVER seen anyone get destroyed by rapidfire of all things.
This is what #StreamTeam wanted! No scaling in PvP! Rextoy showed us how terrible it was because he combined 14 obscure items that took 280 hours to farm to break it. Now we get the glorious 2 second BOOM HEADSHOT CoD PvP LOL GET REKT NOOB that’s absolutely PERFECT for a streamer’s YouTube / Twitch highlight reels. Wonderful!
Yes, yes I do. They cried and cried about zzzfest pvp engagement. They cried for vendors to come back. They cried about warmode, until they lowered the % bonus for alliance. They gave all the pvpers what they wanted and it is still not good enough. PvPers want it all with no stipulations, just point click profit, not gonna happen.
Removing pvp would make this game 50% better immediately.
No one asked for that and no one asked for warmode to begin with. What most of us wanted was for abilities to matter and not an RNG fest. That’s not a big ask.
Good thing you can do that by turning warmode off and never doing a bg or arena. From the inception of this game, it was sold as a world PvP experience.
That said, you have honor level 180. Why do you pvp so much and still complain about it being in the game? Hypocrite much? That seriously makes no sense. That honor level puts you in the 1% man. lol.