I’ve worked on every legendary I can either after their release, or if I was raiding during the time (like MoP/WoD), during the expansion.
I’ve created Dragonwrath, Fangs of the Father, and Val’anyr. I farm, on and off, for Warglaives, only have 1 of the 2. (I have half of Thunderfury on my hunter, but have yet to see the other one drop, and I only got the sulfuras core on my hunter, who can’t use maces, so she can’t make it)
However, I’ve been stuck on Blood Infusion for years because I don’t know enough people to do it with that have the free time to do it.
Why, over 10 years after it became outdated content, is this quest still not soloable? The entirety of the questline apart from this single quest is soloable. Every other legendary is soloable. But not this single quest. Why?
Those require fast load screens and a fast internet connection. Neither of which I have.
So it’s soloable, but your internet keeps you from soloing it?
I payed each person 5k gold for me to bite them and got a lot of takers. Saw someone last night offer 10k
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also those methods don’t work anymore because of a change they made to prevent players from farming last boss in incense with alts
No Atiesh?!
or Thori’dal ?? What kind of hunter are you
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Oh, boo. Two of those videos were from last year, so I figured something would still work.
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I hate Sunwell with a passion. Same reason I haven’t done Molten Core in months.
After farming Hydraxian Waterlords rep, it kinda got too annoying. I’ll pop in every now and then, kill Garr, and hope the piece drops though.
What kind of blood elf hates the Sunwell!?
yes, you’re a blood elf
you could duo it with a resto shaman (bite, shaman dies, self rezzes, rebite, dies, rez with totem, bite) but yeah it’s an annoying achievement
ill happily go with your for the blood infusion if you need bodies
they should just remove that part honestly
i tried to do it for my paladin right after they made the change was just disappointed i couldn’t just do what everyone else did and gave up
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Have you tried making a group for it in the group finder? It might take you awhile but I’m sure a group could get started.
Just such a risky thing cause if anyone messes up (or god forbid accidentally kills boss) it could ruin your run for the week. But yeah, best bet is alts. Beyond that, you just need to find a friend that can juggle alts (best way anyways imo)
Doing it with a risk is better than not trying it for the week since he doesn’t really have any other options. If the above posts are true that it can’t be don’t solo anymore, and his friends are unavailable well it’s what he has.
Edit: he could clear up to the the boss, then list the group and ask that anyone helping jump on a lower level alt (not sure what level that would be with scaling), and that would significantly reduce the risk of the boss dying.
Id personally just come here and post what day and time with said time zone as well when you want to do it and ask people to join, might have to post your battle tag so they can friend you.
tried that, but i waited until the group listing expire (twice) and nobody applied
Last time I posted my battletag on the forums, I got spammed out the wazoo by people who dislike me. Blizzard dealt with them though.